
This repository holds the lesson plans for OSF curriculum. This repository provides materials that others can use to run OSF workshops. Presently, it includes one domain agnostic general lesson. In the future, it could expand to include discipline specific materials.

The domain-general lesson can be taught by people from different backgrounds, scientists and librarians. It does not assume any expertise in experimental design or statistics. Future lessons pre-registration, reproducible coding, etc., could provide more specialized training as optional add-ons to the core lesson plan (see issues for a running list).

Before running a workshop

Please go to the ‘For instructors’ folder in this repo. It contains pre and post workshop instructions and will contain a log of any major changes made to the curriculum.

Contributor guidelines

We welcome and encourage community contribution to these lessons. You can add or respond to issues about the type and placement of content, or add/modify actual lesson content by submitting pull requests to the repositories. If you are unfamiliar with git/github, you can also email us at stats-consulting[at]cos.io with comments or suggestions.