
The Rubrik Security Cloud SDK

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

Rubrik Security Cloud SDK

⚠️ This is a beta release - use at your own risks! ⚠️

Thank you for using the Rubrik Security Cloud PowerShell SDK.

We rely on your feedback to improve the SDK !

This is a fully supported SDK to work with Rubrik Security Cloud (RSC).

If you need to work with the CDM SDK, please see: github.com/rubrikinc/rubrik-sdk-for-powershell

🔨 Installation

Powershell >= 6.0

This Beta release needs PowerShell 6.0 or later. Your default installation may be an older version,

see: microsoft.com: Installing PowerShell

Install from the PowerShell Gallery

This is the recommended way to install the SDK.

Install-Module -Name RubrikSecurityCloud

More info: RubrikSecurityCloud package on the gallery

Install from source

For advanced users, you can install the SDK from source. It will allow you to see the SDK source code and contribute to it.

Start by cloning the repo:

git clone git@github.com:rubrikinc/rubrik-powershell-sdk.git
cd rubrik-powershell-sdk

Then install the module from local sources:

./Utils/import.ps1 -Local

Import the SDK module

Import-Module RubrikSecurityCloud

Getting Started

🔑 Service Account files

Retrieve a service account file from the RSC UI,

and store it locally, say: /path/to/service/account/file.json.

Note that JSON files retrieved from the RSC UI are clear text files that contain a secret.

First, generate an encrypted service account file from the clear-text one and delete the clear-text one:

Set-RscServiceAccountFile /path/to/service/account/file.json

Set-RscServiceAccountFile will generate an encrypted service account (SA) file, store it in a default location, and prompt you to delete the clear-text SA file. We recommend that you delete the clear-text SA file after you have generated the encrypted one to avoid any security issues (if you ever need a clear-text SA file again, they can easily be retrieved from the RSC UI).

You only need to do the step with Set-RscServiceAccountFile once.

🔌 Connecting to RSC

After that, you can connect to RSC with:


It will see that there is an encrypted SA file in the default location, use it to retrieve an access token from the API server, and store it in the session state. Any subsequent calls to Connect-Rsc will use the same token.

As a matter of fact, it is OK to call Connect-Rsc willy-nilly; for example, you can start every script you write with Connect-Rsc at the top, and it will re-use any connection existing in the session, or create a new one if needed. Note also that any existing connection in the session is only visible within your session and is not visible to other sessions, or to other users.

⌛ SDK version vs API version

Now that you're connected, it's good to make sure your version of the SDK is not too far off from the version of the API server. Run:

PS> Get-RscVersion

SdkSchemaVersion ServerVersion
---------------- -------------
v20230524-16     v20230524-16

If your SDK version is too old, you will see a warning. You can still use the SDK, but you may not be able to use the latest features of the API server, and you may see some deprecation errors in your scripts. It's important to note that the SDK is backward compatible, but only for a limited time. If when running your scripts, you see deprecation errors, you should upgrade your SDK to the latest version as soon as possible before the deprecated features are removed from the API server.

🏃 Running commands

You can then run any of the commands in the SDK, for example, to retrieve the current account info:

Get-RscAccount -Detail

To list clusters:

$c # show all clusters
$c.Count # show number of clusters
$c[0] # show first cluster
$c.id # list cluster ids

To run raw GraphQL queries:

Invoke-Rsc -Query "query accountSettings{accountSettings{isEulaAccepted}}"

$vms=(Invoke-Rsc -Query 
  "query GetVsphereVmList{vSphereVmNewConnection{nodes{id name}}}").Nodes

To see all cmdlets in the SDK:

(Get-Module RubrikSecurityCloud).ExportedCommands.Keys | Sort-Object

🔌 Disconnecting

Then to disconnect:


It is good practice and recommended to finish your scripts with Disconnect-Rsc. Note however that it is not strictly necessary, as the connection will be closed automatically when the session ends.

Learning more about this SDK

👉 Start with the RSC PowerShell SDK Developer Manual. Once you've covered the basics on this page, the developer manual will teach you how to use the SDK to build your own scripts.

It refers to samples that demonstrate how to use the SDK; you can also peruse the samples directly.

Another great way to learn about the SDK is to look at its end-to-end (e2e) tests: tests/e2e

GraphQL schema reference: