
Async Webdav Plugin for ESPAsyncWebServer

Primary LanguageC++


This project is a Webdav Plugin for ESPAsyncWebServer. So far it has only been tested with an ESP8266 but should also work for the ESP32.

Important notice

To make this plugin work with ESPAsyncWebServer you currently (as of 2020-01-22) have to either patch me-no-dev's original code or use my fork. To see which changes have to be done, see the pull request.

How to use

  • Download the project archive and unpack it in your Arduino libraries folder
  • Ensure that the folder name is ESPAsyncWebdav (remove the -master)
  • Include the library in your project together with LittleFS
#include <LittleFS.h>
#include <AsyncWebdav.h>
  • Initialize the plugin in a global variable (the parameter is the prefix path to access the webdav server)
AsyncWebdav dav("/dav");
  • Initialize the file system in setup()
  • Add the webdav handler to the webserver

That's it! To see the a full example, you can check the examples directory in the project.

Access/Mount the ESP

To access the drive from Windows, open \esp_hostname_or_ip\path_in_constructor\DavWWWRoot in the Windows Explorer, or use the Map Network Drive menu. The software works with NetDrive and WinSCP.