
This visualization when ran in the web browser displays a scatterplot created using D3 techniques using Javascript and HTML. The first chart displays correlations between percentage of population state to state living in poverty vs percentage of population lacking healthcare. The second chart displayed on the following page compares variables taken from the dataset that show correlations between percentage of population living in poverty state to state with percentage of population lacking healthcare, percentage of smokers, and percentage of population who are obese. The scatterplot changes based upon selection for comparison.

The Data: 2014 ACS 1-year estimates from the US Census Bureau

File Contents: The templates folder contains two linked html files used to render pages for each chart display. Assets Folder containing JS Folder with correspondent files rendering each html page. Data Folder containing the data file in csv format used to populate the charts. CSS Folder with stylesheets to render correspondent html page style elements.

Languages/Components/Libraries: Javascript, HTML, D3, Bootstrap Components

note: runs command python -m http.server at localhost:8000 from index directory.