
Type-hinted events for python, inspired by C# events and delegates.


  • Describe events as decorated methods, similar to @property
  • Add and remove subscriptions with += and -=, like C# events.
    • emitter.on_event += self.respond_to_event
  • Subscribed methods are weakly held.
    • Subscribed instances will garbage collect automatically without needing to remove all their subscriptions.
  • Type hinting, typechecking, and docstring support.
    • F2 to rename an event will rename it everywhere.
    • Typechecker will verify that you pass the correct args to .emit().
    • Typechecker will verify that subscribers accept the correct args.


For a complete example, see examples/

class Emitter:
    # Events are declared by decorating an abstract, *empty* method.
    # This method declares the event signature.
    def on_change(self, old_value: str, new_value: str): ...

class Observer:
    def __init__(self, emitter: Emitter):
        emitter.on_change += self.log_change

    def log_change(self, old_value: str, new_value: str):
        print(f"Value changed from \"{old_value}\" to \"{new_value}\"")

emitter = Emitter()
observer = Observer(emitter)
# Emit with `.emit` or as bare call
emitter.on_change.emit('old', 'new')
emitter.on_change('old', 'new')


Not (yet) published to PyPi, so install directly from git using your preferred package manager. For example, with pip:

pip install git+

Reading material

Microsoft's doc about the "observer" pattern, which can be implemented with events:


Build script uses just:

Read justfile for details.