
This is a group coding project for the Nashville Software School. Our assignment is to create a one-page app that stores and displays information for a baseball league.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a group coding project for the Nashville Software School. Our assignment is to create a one-page app that stores and displays information for a baseball league.

Our app can be viewed live at:

Our app has met the following project requirements:

Phase 1:

  • use the Bootstrap framework
  • set a minimum of 4 teams
  • set a maximum of 8 teams
  • allow users to create teams
  • collect the following team contact information:
    • team name
    • manager's first name
    • manager's last name
    • phone number
    • sponsor
    • zip code
  • save team information to the server using Ajax and JSON
  • display team details when users hover over team names in the standings table

Phase 2:

  • use pre-defined schedules for varying league sizes
  • allow users to submit scores
  • store scores on the server and display them in the schedule table
  • update team wins and losses on the server and display them in the standings table
  • sort the league standings by win percentage

Additional technical information:

  • the bulk of our HTML is a series of form modals that are not displayed on page load; the rest is made up of empty elements that are dynamically injected with content as users create teams
  • our JavaScript is divided into two major sections:
    1. the first half is script that runs on page load, affecting elements that already exist in the DOM; there are instances, though, where we use the jQuery .on() method to assign events to elements not yet present in the DOM
    2. the second half is comprised of functions, which are referenced in either the first half of the script or in other functions; these functions perform various actions, such as adding or removing objects from the server and updating page content
  • we tried to maintain an intuitive naming convention where variables are nouns, functions contain verbs, etc.
  • we have dedicated functions that refresh our standings and schedule tables, respectively
  • we attempted to structure our script by the order in which elements are loaded into the DOM; when no logical ordering was apparent, we prioritized the sections by which elements users would interact with first

Updated Fixes:

  • Fixed the 'Create Team' form validation errors associated with closing the modal before pressing submit, only to return to the previously filled out form full of team info and validation errors.

Updated Features:

  • Added 'Reset' button in 'Create Team' modal to reset the form, which clears all inputs and validation errors. Added this functionality for an alternative to just closing when unsatisfied with the new team info, and for convenience.
  • Added a 'Replay Season' feature that as soon as the season is completed, the 'Replay Season' button appears. When clicked, the user can reset the season data (i.e. wins, losses, game scores) to how they were before the first game was played.