
Setup meta for your Prember/Ember blog to support opengraph, microdata, Facebook, Twitter, Slack etc.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


ember-meta is built and maintained by Ship Shape. Contact us for Ember.js consulting, development, and training for your project.

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Setup meta for your Prember/Ember blog to support opengraph, microdata, Facebook, Twitter, Slack etc.


ember install ember-meta


This addon supports a config be set with the basic info for your blog, including the title, description, and url. The url should end in a trailing slash. These values will be used as defaults, and you can override them by returning different values in your model.

Global Config

// config/environment.js
ENV['ember-meta'] = {
    description: 'Ramblings about Ember.js, JavaScript, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.',
    imgSrc: 'http://i.imgur.com/KVqNjgO.png',
    siteName: 'Ship Shape',
    title: 'Blog - Ship Shape',
    twitterUsername: '@shipshapecode',
    url: 'https://shipshape.io/blog/'

The title will be used for both the <title> tag of your page, and for og:title and twitter:title. Similarly, the description will be used for description, og:description, and twitter:description. You probably are starting to see a pattern forming here 😃.

The global config will be merged with the local config, when you are on a specific post. This allows you to define sane defaults, while also retaining the flexibility to override each value on a specific post, by defining it on the model.

All of the values, used to populate the meta, are computed properties, on the head-data service. This service is automatically injected into all routes, and a default head.hbs is provided for you. This should allow a "zero config" setup, if your app adheres to the same data formats as we expect.

Using with a Vanilla Javascript Model Hook

If you want to override the global config, your model() hook must return an object with a certain format, i.e. an author name string, a categories array, a slug for the post, a title, content etc.

Here is an example of a simple blog post using a POJO as the model:

// routes/blog/post.js
import Route from '@ember/routing/route';

export default Route.extend({
  model() {
    return {
      content: '<h1>Ember Inspector - The Journey so Far</h1> <p>This is a post body!</p>',
      author: 'Robert Wagner',
      authorId: 'rwwagner90',
      categories: ['ember', 'ember.js', 'ember inspector'],
      date: '2018-04-09',
      slug: 'ember-inspector-the-journey-so-far',
      title: 'Ember Inspector - The Journey so Far'  

Using with a Ember Data

If you are using Ember data it should work as expected. Here is an example of the same example using ember-data.

// models/blog.js
import DS from 'ember-data';

export default DS.Model.extend({
  content: DS.attr(),
  author: DS.attr(),
  categories: DS.attr(),
  date: DS.attr(),
  slug: DS.attr(),
  title: DS.attr()
// routes/blog/post.js
import Route from '@ember/routing/route';

export default Route.extend({
  model() {
    return this.store.findRecord('blog', 1);

Using with ember-cli-markdown-resolver

In this example, we are using ember-cli-markdown-resolver and it automatically will set the front matter values from your markdown as properties on your model, when you grab the file.

The values in my .md files look something like this:

author: Robert Wagner
authorId: rwwagner90
  - ember
  - ember.js
  - ember inspector
date: '2018-04-09'
slug: ember-inspector-the-journey-so-far
title: Ember Inspector - The Journey so Far
// routes/blog/post.js
import Route from '@ember/routing/route';
import { inject as service } from '@ember/service';

export default Route.extend({
  markdownResolver: service(),

  model({ path }) {
    const withoutSlash = !path.endsWith('/') ? path : path.slice(0, -1);
    return this.markdownResolver.file('blog', withoutSlash);

In this case we need to override the head-data service because ember-cli-markdown-resolver puts all of the front-matter data under an attributes key.

// services/head-data.js
import HeadData from 'ember-meta/services/head-data';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';
import { getOwner } from '@ember/application';

export default HeadData.extend({
  currentRouteModel: computed('routeName', function() {
    return getOwner(this).lookup(`route:${this.get('routeName')}`).get('currentModel.attributes');
  content: computed('routeName', function() {
    // content is not on attributes when returned from ember-cli-markdown-resolver
    return getOwner(this).lookup(`route:${this.get('routeName')}`).get('currentModel.content');

Advanced Local Config

Overriding Service Computed Properties

Since all of this is powered by computed properties, in the head-data service. You can create your own head-data service, and extend the one we provide to override the computeds for various meta to do whatever you want.

// services/head-data.js
import HeadDataService from 'ember-meta/services/head-data';
import { computed } from '@ember/object';

export default HeadDataService.extend({
  description: computed('foo', function() {
    return this.get('foo.description');

Defining Your Own head.hbs

A default head.hbs is automatically available to your app, but we also provide a blueprint, if you would like to manage the content yourself. This allows you to either define your own or delete it altogether and use the one we ship with this addon.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.