
Lightning BOLT Protocol Test Framework

Primary LanguagePython


a Testsuite for the Lightning Network Protocol

Project Homepage

GitHub Workflow Status (branch)

lnprototest is a set of test helpers written in Python3, designed to make it easy to write new tests when you propose changes to the lightning network protocol, as well as test existing implementations.

Install requirements

To install the necessary dependences

pip3 install poetry
poetry shell
poetry install

Well, now we can run the test

Running test

The simplest way to run is with the "dummy" runner:

make check

Here are some other useful pytest options:

  1. -n8 to run 8-way parallel.
  2. -x to stop on the first failure.
  3. --pdb to enter the debugger on first failure.
  4. --trace to enter the debugger on every test.
  5. -k foo to only run tests with 'foo' in their name.
  6. tests/test_bolt1-01-init.py to only run tests in that file.
  7. tests/test_bolt1-01-init.py::test_init to only run that test.
  8. --log-cli-level={LEVEL_NAME} to enable the logging during the test execution.

Running Against A Real Node.

The more useful way to run is to use an existing implementation. So far, c-lightning is supported. You will need:

  1. bitcoind installed, and in your path.
  2. lightningd compiled with --enable-developer. By default the source directory should be ../lightning relative to this directory, otherwise use export LIGHTNING_SRC=dirname.
  3. Install any python requirements by pip3 install -r lnprototest/clightning/requirements.txt.

Then you can run

make check PYTEST_ARGS='--runner=lnprototest.clightning.Runner'

or directly:

pytest --runner=lnprototest.clightning.Runner

Further Work

If you want to write new tests or new backends, see HACKING.md.

Let's keep the sats flowing!
