
Shows employees profiles & org structure

Primary LanguageJavaScript


MyOrg is Rails web-application that includes everything needed to store your organization’s employees details all in one place

Highlights of the app:

  1. Uses the awesome Twitter Bootstrap for app theme & styling

  2. You can create/edit/delete Departments, Roles & Employees

  3. You can attach a photo for each employee which shows up in employee details & index page

  4. Displays geographic distribution of employees on Google Maps across the US based on their home address

  5. Shows the Organization Chart

Getting Started

  1. Checkout the source code

    git clone https://github.com/csreddy/MyOrg.git
  2. Change directory to myorg

    cd myorg
  3. Run bundle command

    bundle install
  4. Run rake task to populate db

    rake db:populate
  5. Start the server

    rails s
  6. Go to localhost:3000

Thats it!
  • Note: You will not see any pins on the map after populating the db because the populator gem adds fake addresses

which obviously cannot me mapped. In order to see the pin you need to edit the employee details and update with real addresses.