
Interfacing push button with STM32f103 blue pill board using Zephyr RTOS

Primary LanguageC

Interrupts in Zephyr RTOS

Build Passing GPLv3 License

Interfacing push button with STM32 Blue Pill board and toggle a LED on button click by using interrupts.

Run Locally

Clone the project

  1. Using https
  git clone https://github.com/csrohit/zephyr-switch-interrupt
  1. Using ssh
  git clone git@github.com:csrohit/zephyr-switch-interrupt.git

Go to the project directory

  cd zephyr-switch-interrupt

Compile Project

Setup zephyr environment on your machine from Zephyr: Getting Started

  make all

Flash Binary

To flash you need to have

  1. Openocd installed on your machine. You can do it from here: Getting Openocd
  2. Connect Stlink to PC and blue pill board using swd headers.
  3. Put blue pill board in programming mode
  make flash