
Models and algorithms for simple disjunctive temporal problems

Primary LanguageC++


This repository provides open-source C++ implementations of mathematical models and algorithms to solve Simple Disjunctive Temporal Problems (SDTPs). The repository further includes instances and results comparing all of the implementations to establish the most suitable approach in a wide range of scenarios.


There are nine methods for solving SDTPs as described in [Sartori et al., 2023]:

  1. BFDC: Bellman-Ford with Domain Check [Sartori et al., 2023];
  2. RULT: Reduced Upper-Lower Tightening [Sartori et al., 2023];
  3. ILP: Integer Linear Programming model [Sartori et al., 2023];
  4. CP: Constraint Programming model [Sartori et al., 2023];
  5. SCP: Simplified Constraint Programming model [Sartori et al., 2023];
  6. CRA: Comin-Rizzi Algorithm, described in [Comin and Rizzi, 2018];
  7. KAB: Kumar's Algorithm for zero-one Extended STPs with Bellman-Ford APSP, described in [Kumar, 2004];
  8. KAJ: Kumar's Algorithm for zero-one Extended STPs with Johnson's APSP, described in [Kumar, 2004];
  9. ULT: Upper-Lower Tightening, described in [Schwalb and Dechter, 1997].

Compiling the source code

The CMakeLists file in the source folder can be used to compile the code and generate three executables. IBM's CPLEX is used to solve both the ILP, CP and SCP models and therefore is a dependency when compiling the source code. Additionally, the boost library is used as a dependency for the command line options and other structures. Below is a list of the dependencies:

  • CMake version 3.10 or later;
  • GNU C++ compiler compatible with C++17;
  • IBM's CPLEX version 12.9 (other versions may work but one should be aware of possible changes to the API);
  • Boost library version 1.65 or later.

Once all dependencies have been installed, it sufficies to run the following command, assuming one is inside sdtp/source/ and in a Linux system:

mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..


The compilation will generate three executables inside sdtp/source/build/: sdtp, stest and sperf. They are described below. For all of them, one may also run ./<executable-name> -h to obtain a helper text with instructions.


The basic executable to run one algorithm to solve one instance. One can run:

./sdtp -a <ALGORITHM> -i <INSTANCE> [--log <LOG>] [--verbose] [--time-limit <TIME>]


  • <ALGORITHM> is one string from: "BFDC", "RULT", "ILP", "CP", "SCP", "CRA", "KRAB", "KRAJ", "ULT";
  • <INSTANCE> is the path to the instance file to be solved (in JSON format);
  • <LOG> is an optional parameter with the name (path) of a file where the result of the execution (including the final solution) will be written in JSON format;
  • --verbose is an optional parameter that indicates whether information concerning the execution should be printed to stdout;
  • <TIME> is an integer (long) representing the maximum execution time of the algorithm in microseconds.


The second executable is stest which can be used to run all algorithms and produce a full log file. The format of these logs is the same as those in the folder sdtp/data/time/. Use stest as follows:

./tester -i <INSTANCE> [-a <ALGS>] [--log <LOG>] [--verbose] [--time-limit <TIME>] [--num-repetitions <REP>]


  • <INSTANCE> is the path to the instance file to be solved;
  • <ALGS> is a string defining the algorithms to be executed in this test. Default is all algorithms.
  • <LOG> is an optional parameter with the name (path) of a file where the result of the tests will be written in JSON format. The result of all algorithms in <ALGS> are stored in the log file but the final solutions are not (to reduce the output size). To obtain a solution for an instance please use the sdtp executable above;
  • --verbose is an optional parameter that indicates whether information concerning the execution should be printed to stdout;
  • <TIME> is an integer (long) representing the maximum execution time for each algorithm in <ALGS>;
  • <REP> is an integer representing the number of times each algorithm should be executed to solve <INSTANCE>. Each repetition will generate one time measurement which may be stored in the <LOG> file.


The third and last executable is sperf which can be used to run the algorithms and produce a full log file measuring cache information using the perf tool from the Linux kernel. The structure of the output log files are the same as those in the folder sdtp/data/cache/. Use sperf via:

./sperf -i <INSTANCE> [-a <ALGS>] [--log <LOG>] [--verbose] [--time-limit <TIME>]


  • <INSTANCE> is the path to the instance file to be solved;
  • <ALGS> is a string defining the algorithms to be executed in this test. Default is all algorithms.
  • <LOG> is an optional parameter with the name (path) of a file where the result of the tests will be written in JSON format. The result of all algorithms in <ALGS> are stored in the log file but the final solutions are not (to reduce the output size). To obtain a solution for an instance please use the sdtp executable above;
  • --verbose is an optional parameter that indicates whether information concerning the execution should be printed to stdout;
  • <TIME> is an integer (long) representing the maximum execution time for each algorithm in <ALGS>.


When using the implementations and instances from this repository in (scienftific) publications, please consider citing

	title = "Models and algorithms for simple disjunctive temporal problems",
	author = "Carlo S. Sartori and Pieter Smet and Greet {Vanden Berghe}",
	journal = "Technical report at KU Leuven",
	year = "2023",
	url = \url{https://arxiv.org/abs/2302.02644}


[Schwalb and Dechter, 1997]: Schwalb, E., and Dechter, R. (1997). Processing disjunctions in temporal constraint networks. Artificial Intelligence. Available at 10.1016/S0004-3702(97)00009-X.

[Kumar, 2004]: Kumar, T. S. (2004). A polynomial-time algorithm for simple temporal problems with piecewise constant domain preference functions. In AAAI (pp. 67-72).

[Comin and Rizzi, 2018]: Comin, C., and Rizzi, R. (2018). On Restricted Disjunctive Temporal Problems: Faster Algorithms and Tractability Frontier. In 25th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning (TIME 2018). Available at 10.4230/LIPIcs.TIME.2018.10.

[Sartori et al., 2023]: Sartori, C. S., Smet, P., and Vanden Berghe, G. (2023). Models and algorithms for simple disjunctive temporal problems. Technical report at KU Leuven. Available at arxiv.org/abs/2302.02644.