
Website for CSSconf EU 2015

Primary LanguageCSS

cssconf 2015


After checking out the repository just run npm install and grunt dev afterwards. The website will be available on localhost:3000.

Coding standards

Please take a look at existing styles and try to code that way. A few things to keep in mind:

  • Use variables which are located in the _variables.scss.
  • Use breakpoints as described in_breakpoints.scss.
  • If you create new modules please create a separate _name-of-the-module.scss file and import it in _app.scss(we have no template engine for HTML modules at the current state).
  • ALWAYS! use em for font-sizing.
  • Stick with relative unites like em, %, vw, vh, vmin, vmax if you can.
  • If you think your code could be hard to understand or needs explanation, write comments.

Layout Explanation

To have a gap to the left and right of a section, extend the container class: @extend %container

To ensure a max-width for content within a section, extend the container-content class: %container-content

Grid Explanation

The whole grid relies on display: inline-block. Because of the whitepsace issue every grid__item followed by a grid__item has to be sorrounded by HTML comments like so:

<div class="grid__item"></div><!--
--><div class="grid__item"></div>

At the given moment you won't find grid classes inside the HTML. Every grid__item gets it's styles from Sass @extends. This is something I will change in the near future.

You can find the well documented grid in _grid.scss. Variables to overwrite !defaults are set in _variables.scss.


.rw(row) extends %grid--full .cl(column) extends %grid__item

To build a layout use <div class="rw"></div> to open a new row aka. grid entity. Use class="cl" for elements inside. If you want elements with a gutter, wrap the .cl elements inside another element like so:

<div class="rw">
  <section class="grid-spaces">
    <div class="cl"></div>
    <div class="cl"></div>
    <div class="cl"></div>
    <div class="cl"></div>


  • c-classname – content sections which do not require much styling
  • g-classname – grid wrapper to set specific styling options


  • Sass comments // I AM A SASS COMMENT
  • Template comments {{!-- I AM A TEMPLATE COMMENT --}}


Take a look at _breakpoints.scss before you alter any styles regarding media queries. You include breakpoints like this:

.classname {
  @include bp(small) {...;}

Make sure to check for predefined breakpoint names.


You need to have the config.deployment.json in your project root.

If a new release is deployed to live, make sure to update the version in the package.json. This version number is used as a prefix for the assets folder to enable filename based cache busting.

Deploy to staging:

$ ./deploy.js staging

Deploy to live:

$ ./deploy.js live