Gulp Starter Pack

This package intended to solve common front-end development tasks. Works best for psd/sketch to html projects and save you a lot of time setting up local environment

How to start

  • yarn - install npm dependencies
  • bower install - install bower packages
  • gulp - run dev-server
  • gulp build - build project from sources

List of Gulp tasks

To run separate task type in command line gulp [task_name]. Almost all tasks also have watch mode - gulp [task_name]:watch, but you don't need to use it directly.

Main tasks

Task name Description
default will start all tasks required by project in dev mode: initial build, watch files, run server with livereload
build:development build dev version of project (without code optimizations)
build build production-ready project (with code optimizations)

Other tasks

Task name Description
sass compile .sass/.scss to .css. Included postcss for autoprefixer, flexbugs and other cool plugins you might add
pug compile pug templates
javascript combines vendor files and custom .js code into separate files
sprite:svg create svg symbol sprites
sprite:png create png sprites
images optimize, minify and clone images
server run dev-server powered by BrowserSync
clean remove ./dist folder
copy copy common files from ./src path to ./dist path
list-pages create index file with links to all project pages

All available tasks are placed in a folder ./gulp/tasks as separate *.js files.


  • gulp --open or gulp server --open - run dev server and then open preview in browser
  • gulp --tunnel=[name] or gulp server --tunnel [name] - runs dev server and allows you to easily share a web service on your local development machine (powered by Your local site will be available at [name]
  • gulp [task_name] --prod or gulp [task_name] --production - run task in production mode. Some of the tasks (like, sass or js compilation) have additional settings for production mode (such as code minification), so with this flag you can force production mode. gulp build uses this mode by default.

##Other You can also use npm scripts:

  • npm run start - same as gulp default.
  • npm run build - same as gulp build.
  • npm run ghpages to push only ./dist folder to gh-pages branch on github (very useful for previews).