0001 |
Two Sum |
Python |
Easy |
Blind75, Grind75, Array |
0002 |
Add Two Numbers |
Python |
Medium |
0003 |
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, String |
0005 |
Longest Palindromic Substring |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, String |
0006 |
Zigzag Conversion |
Python |
Medium |
0007 |
Reverse Integer |
Python |
Medium |
0008 |
String to Integer (atoi) |
Python |
Medium |
Grind75, String |
0011 |
Container With Most Water |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Array |
0012 |
Integer to Roman |
Python |
Medium |
0013 |
Roman to Integer |
Python |
Easy |
0014 |
Longest Common Prefix |
Python |
Easy |
0015 |
3Sum |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Array |
0017 |
Letter Combinations of a Phone Number |
Python |
Medium |
Grind75, Recursion |
0019 |
Remove Nth Node From End of List |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Linked List |
0020 |
Valid Parentheses |
Python |
Easy |
Blind75, Grind75, String, Stack |
0021 |
Merge Two Sorted Lists |
Python |
Easy |
Blind75, Grind75, Linked List |
0022 |
Generate Parentheses |
Python |
Medium |
0024 |
Swap Nodes in Pairs |
Python |
Medium |
0026 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array |
Python |
Easy |
0027 |
Remove Element |
Python |
Easy |
0028 |
Find the Index of the First Occurrence in a String |
Python |
Easy |
0033 |
Search in Rotated Sorted Array |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Array, Binary Search |
0034 |
Find First and Last Position of Element in Sorted Array |
Python |
Medium |
Binary Search |
0035 |
Search Insert Position |
Python |
Easy |
0036 |
Valid Sudoku |
Python |
Medium |
0038 |
Count and Say |
Python |
Medium |
0039 |
Combination Sum |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75,Grind75, Array, Dynamic Programming |
0042 |
Trapping Rain Water |
Python |
Hard |
Grind75, Stack |
0043 |
Multiply Strings |
Python |
Medium |
0046 |
Permutations |
Python |
Medium |
Grind75, Recursion |
0047 |
Permutations II |
Python |
Medium |
0048 |
Rotate Image |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Matrix |
0049 |
Group Anagrams |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, String |
0053 |
Maximum Subarray |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Array |
0054 |
Spiral Matrix |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Matrix |
0055 |
Jump Game |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Dynamic Programming |
0056 |
Merge Intervals |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Interval, Sorting, Array |
0057 |
Insert Interval |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Interval |
0058 |
Length of Last Word |
Python |
Easy |
0061 |
Rotate List |
Python |
Medium |
0062 |
Unique Paths |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Dynamic Programming |
0067 |
Add Binary |
Python |
Easy |
Grind75, Binary |
0070 |
Climbing Stairs |
Python |
Easy |
0071 |
Simplify Path |
Python |
Medium |
0073 |
Set Matrix Zeroes |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Matrix |
0074 |
Search a 2D Matrix |
Python |
Medium |
0075 |
Sort Colors |
Python |
Medium |
Grind75, Array |
0076 |
Minimum Window Substring |
Python |
Hard |
Blind75, Grind75, String |
0078 |
Subsets |
Python |
Medium |
Grind75, Recursion |
0079 |
Word Search |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Matrix, Graph |
0082 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List II |
Python |
Medium |
0083 |
Remove Duplicates from Sorted List |
Python |
Easy |
0084 |
Largest Rectangle in Histogram |
Python |
Hard |
0086 |
Partition List |
Python |
Medium |
0088 |
Merge Sorted Array |
Python |
Easy |
0091 |
Decode Ways |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Dynamic Programming |
0092 |
Reverse Linked List II |
Python |
Medium |
0094 |
Binary Tree Inorder Traversal |
Python |
Easy |
0096 |
Unique Binary Search Trees |
Python |
Medium |
0097 |
Interleaving String |
Python |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
0098 |
Validate Binary Search Tree |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Tree |
0102 |
Binary Tree Level Order Traversal |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, BinaryTree |
0105 |
Construct Binary Tree from Preorder and Inorder Traversal |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, BinaryTree |
0110 |
Balanced Binary Tree |
Python |
Easy |
Grind75, Binary Tree |
0112 |
Path Sum |
Python |
Easy |
0120 |
Triangle |
Python |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
0121 |
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock |
Python |
Easy |
Blind75, Grind75, Array |
0125 |
Valid Palindrome |
Python |
Easy |
Blind75, Grind75, String |
0131 |
Palindrome Partitioning |
Python |
Medium |
0133 |
Clone Graph |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Graph |
0136 |
Single Number |
Python |
Easy |
0138 |
Copy List with Random Pointer |
Python |
Medium |
Linked List |
0139 |
Word Break |
Python |
Medium |
Grind75, Linked List, Tree |
0141 |
Linked List Cycle |
Python |
Easy |
Grind75, Linked List |
0142 |
Linked List Cycle II |
Python |
Medium |
0146 |
LRU Cache |
Python |
Medium |
Grind75, Linked List |
0148 |
Sort List |
Python |
Medium |
0150 |
Evaluate Reverse Polish Notation |
Python |
Medium |
Grind75, Stack |
0152 |
Maximum Product Subarray |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Array |
0153 |
Find Minimum in Rotated Sorted Array |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Array |
0155 |
Min Stack |
Python |
Medium |
Grind75, Stack |
0160 |
Intersection of Two Linked Lists |
Python |
Easy |
0167 |
Two Sum II - Input Array Is Sorted |
Python |
Medium |
0169 |
Majority Element |
Python |
Easy |
Grind75, Array |
0189 |
Rotate Array |
Python |
Medium |
0191 |
Number of 1 Bits |
Python |
Easy |
Blind75, Binary |
0198 |
House Robber |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Dynamic Programming |
0200 |
Number of Islands |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Graph |
0202 |
Happy Number |
Python |
Easy |
0203 |
Remove Linked List Elements |
Python |
Easy |
0205 |
Isomorphic Strings |
Python |
Easy |
0206 |
Reverse Linked List |
Python |
Easy |
Grind75, Linked List |
0207 |
Course Schedule |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Graph |
0208 |
Implement Trie (Prefix Tree) |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Tree |
0210 |
Course Schedule II |
Python |
Medium |
0213 |
House Robber II |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Dynamic Programming |
0215 |
Kth Largest Element in an Array |
Python |
Medium |
Quick Select |
0217 |
Contains Duplicate |
Python |
Easy |
Blind75, Grind75, Array |
0221 |
Maximal Square |
Python |
Medium |
Top Down Memoization |
0224 |
Basic Calculator |
Python |
Hard |
Grind75, Stack |
0225 |
Implement Stack using Queues |
Python |
Easy |
0226 |
Invert Binary Tree |
Python |
Easy |
Grind75, Binary Tree |
0227 |
Basic Calculator II |
Python |
Medium |
0228 |
Summary Ranges |
Python |
Easy |
0229 |
Majority Element II |
Python |
Medium |
0230 |
Kth Smallest Element in a BST |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Binary Search Tree |
0232 |
Implement Queue using Stacks |
Python |
Easy |
Grind75, Stack |
0234 |
Palindrome Linked List |
Python |
Easy |
0235 |
Lowest Common Ancestor of a Binary Search Tree |
Python |
Medium |
Grind75, Binary Search Tree |
0238 |
Product of Array Except Self |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Array |
0242 |
Valid Anagram |
Python |
Easy |
Blind75, Grind75, String |
0253 |
Meeting Rooms II |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Interval |
0261 |
Graph Valid Tree |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Graph |
0263 |
Ugly Number |
Python |
Easy |
0279 |
Perfect Squares |
Python |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
0283 |
Move Zeroes |
Python |
Easy |
0287 |
Find the Duplicate Number |
Python |
Medium |
Floyd's Cycle Detection |
0290 |
Word Pattern |
Python |
Easy |
0300 |
Longest Increasing Subsequence |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Dynamic Programming |
0316 |
Remove Duplicate Letters |
Python |
Medium |
0322 |
Coin Change |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Grind75, Dynamic Programming |
0323 |
Number of Connected Components in an Undirected Graph |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Graph, Union Find |
0328 |
Odd Even Linked List |
Python |
Medium |
0338 |
Counting Bits |
Python |
Easy |
Blind75, Binary |
0341 |
Flatten Nested List Iterator |
Python |
Medium |
0344 |
Reverse String |
Python |
Easy |
0347 |
Top K Frequent Elements |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Heap, Bucket Sort |
0349 |
Intersection of Two Arrays |
Python |
Easy |
0350 |
Intersection of Two Arrays II |
Python |
Easy |
0367 |
Valid Perfect Square |
Python |
Easy |
0374 |
Guess Number Higher or Lower |
Python |
Easy |
0383 |
Ransom Note |
Python |
Easy |
Grind75, Hash Table |
0385 |
Mini Parser |
Python |
Medium |
0387 |
First Unique Character in a String |
Python |
Easy |
0394 |
Decode String |
Python |
Medium |
0401 |
Binary Watch |
Python |
Easy |
0402 |
Remove K Digits |
Python |
Medium |
0409 |
Longest Palindrome |
Python |
Easy |
Grind75, String |
0416 |
Partition Equal Subset Sum |
Python |
Medium |
Grind75, Dynamic Programming |
0417 |
Pacific Atlantic Water Flow |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Graph |
0419 |
Battleships in a Board |
Python |
Medium |
0424 |
Longest Repeating Character Replacement |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, String |
0430 |
Flatten a Multilevel Doubly Linked List |
Python |
Medium |
0438 |
Find All Anagrams in a String |
Python |
Medium |
Grind75, String |
0441 |
Arranging Coins |
Python |
Easy |
0442 |
Find All Duplicates in an Array |
Python |
Medium |
0448 |
Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array |
Python |
Easy |
0456 |
132 Pattern |
Python |
Medium |
0459 |
Repeated Substring Pattern |
Python |
Easy |
0485 |
Max Consecutive Ones |
Python |
Easy |
0496 |
Next Greater Element I |
Python |
Easy |
0503 |
Next Greater Element II |
Python |
Medium |
0543 |
Diameter of Binary Tree |
Python |
Medium |
Grind75, Binary Tree |
0557 |
Reverse Words in a String III |
Python |
Easy |
0560 |
Subarray Sum Equals K |
Python |
Medium |
Prefix Sums |
0566 |
Reshape the Matrix |
Python |
Easy |
0572 |
Subtree of Another Tree |
Python |
Easy |
Blind75, Tree |
0575 |
Distribute Candies |
Python |
Easy |
0594 |
Longest Harmonious Subsequence |
Python |
Easy |
0599 |
Minimum Index Sum of Two Lists |
Python |
Easy |
0605 |
Can Place Flowers |
Python |
Easy |
0606 |
Construct String from Binary Tree |
Python |
Easy |
0617 |
Merge Two Binary Trees |
Python |
Easy |
0622 |
Design Circular Queue |
Python |
Medium |
0647 |
Palindromic Substrings |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, String |
0657 |
Robot Return to Origin |
Python |
Easy |
0667 |
Beautiful Arrangement II |
Python |
Medium |
0680 |
Valid Palindrome II |
Python |
Easy |
0682 |
Baseball Game |
Python |
Easy |
0696 |
Count Binary Substrings |
Python |
Easy |
0703 |
Kth Largest Element in a Stream |
Python |
Easy |
0704 |
Binary Search |
Python |
Easy |
Grind75, Binary Search |
0705 |
Design HashSet |
Python |
Easy |
0706 |
Design HashMap |
Python |
Easy |
0707 |
Design Linked List |
Python |
Medium |
0724 |
Find Pivot Index |
Python |
Easy |
0733 |
Flood Fill |
Python |
Easy |
Grind75, Graph |
0739 |
Daily Temperatures |
Python |
Medium |
0746 |
Min Cost Climbing Stairs |
Python |
Easy |
Blind75, Grind75, Dynamic Programming |
0766 |
Toeplitz Matrix |
Python |
Easy |
0771 |
Jewels and Stones |
Python |
Easy |
0795 |
Number of Subarrays with Bounded Maximum |
Python |
Medium |
0816 |
Ambiguous Coordinates |
Python |
Medium |
0844 |
Backspace String Compare |
Python |
Easy |
0845 |
Longest Mountain in Array |
Python |
Medium |
0876 |
Middle of the Linked List |
Python |
Easy |
Grind75, Linked List |
0880 |
Decoded String at Index |
Python |
Medium |
0918 |
Maximum Sum Circular Subarray |
Python |
Medium |
0929 |
Unique Email Addresses |
Python |
Easy |
0949 |
Largest Time for Given Digits |
Python |
Medium |
0953 |
Verifying an Alien Dictionary |
Python |
Easy |
0977 |
Squares of a Sorted Array |
Python |
Easy |
1041 |
Robot Bounded In Circle |
Python |
Medium |
Math & Geometry |
1046 |
Last Stone Weight |
Python |
Easy |
1047 |
Remove All Adjacent Duplicates In String |
Python |
Easy |
1143 |
Longest Common Subsequence |
Python |
Medium |
Blind75, Dynamic Programming |
1189 |
Maximum Number of Balloons |
Python |
Easy |
1260 |
Shift 2D Grid |
Python |
Easy |
1299 |
Replace Elements with Greatest Element on Right Side |
Python |
Easy |
1332 |
Remove Palindromic Subsequences |
Python |
Easy |
1375 |
Number of Times Binary String Is Prefix-Aligned |
Python |
Medium |
1380 |
Lucky Numbers in a Matrix |
Python |
Easy |
1408 |
String Matching in an Array |
Python |
Easy |
1436 |
Destination City |
Python |
Easy |
1448 |
Count Good Nodes in Binary Tree |
Python |
Medium |
1466 |
Reorder Routes to Make All Paths Lead to the City Zero |
Python |
Medium |
1502 |
Can Make Arithmetic Progression From Sequence |
Python |
Easy |
1566 |
Detect Pattern of Length M Repeated K or More Times |
Python |
Easy |
1576 |
Replace All ?'s to Avoid Consecutive Repeating Characters |
Python |
Easy |
1588 |
Sum of All Odd Length Subarrays |
Python |
Easy |
1638 |
Count Substrings That Differ by One Character |
Python |
Medium |
1704 |
Determine if String Halves Are Alike |
Python |
Easy |
1721 |
Swapping Nodes in a Linked List |
Python |
Medium |
1748 |
Sum of Unique Elements |
Python |
Easy |
1758 |
Minimum Changes To Make Alternating Binary String |
Python |
Easy |
1763 |
Longest Nice Substring |
Python |
Easy |
1773 |
Count Items Matching a Rule |
Python |
Easy |
1779 |
Find Nearest Point That Has the Same X or Y Coordinate |
Python |
Easy |
1784 |
Check if Binary String Has at Most One Segment of Ones |
Python |
Easy |
1790 |
Check if One String Swap Can Make Strings Equal |
Python |
Easy |
1796 |
Second Largest Digit in a String |
Python |
Easy |
1805 |
Number of Different Integers in a String |
Python |
Easy |
1812 |
Determine Color of a Chessboard Square |
Python |
Easy |
1816 |
Truncate Sentence |
Python |
Easy |
1822 |
Sign of the Product of an Array |
Python |
Easy |
1832 |
Check if the Sentence Is Pangram |
Python |
Easy |
1844 |
Replace All Digits with Characters |
Python |
Easy |
1869 |
Longer Contiguous Segments of Ones than Zeros |
Python |
Easy |
1880 |
Check if Word Equals Summation of Two Words |
Python |
Easy |
1886 |
Determine Whether Matrix Can Be Obtained By Rotation |
Python |
Easy |
1888 |
Minimum Number of Flips to Make the Binary String Alternating |
Python |
Medium |
Sliding Window |
1911 |
Maximum Alternating Subsequence Sum |
Python |
Medium |
Dynamic Programming |
1963 |
Minimum Number of Swaps to Make the String Balanced |
Python |
Medium |
2028 |
Find Missing Observations |
Python |
Medium |