
Quickly create new PostCSS plugins

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Create PostCSS Plugin PostCSS

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Create PostCSS Plugin lets you quickly create new PostCSS plugins with documentation, tests, and built-in compiling for supported Node environments.

npm init postcss-plugin YOUR_DESTINATION

Alternatively, you can use the npx command:

npx create-postcss-plugin YOUR_DESTINATION

After completing the instructions, write your plugin to src/index.js and update README.md with further details outlining your plugin functionality.


By default, Create PostCSS Plugin provides you the following prompts:

Plugin Name: [TITLE]
Keywords: [KEYWORDS]

Once completed, you will see the following message:

Success! Created PostCSS [TITLE] at [DIRECTORY]

We suggest that you begin by typing:
  npm test

Happy PostCSS-ing!

To skip all prompts, you must at least provide a title and keywords.

create-postcss-plugin --title Stuff --keywords comma,separated,keywords

If your system cannot access git user information from .gitconfig, you must also provide an author, email, and user.

create-postcss-plugin --title Stuff --author "Cee S Esse" --email "postcss@postcss.org" --user ceesesse --keywords comma,separated,keywords


You can pass options into postcss-plugin to automate plugin creation.


The to argument defines the destination of the new project. The first undefined argument will also determine this value.

npm init postcss-plugin --to path/to/plugin


The title argument defines the formal name of the project.

npm init postcss-plugin --title Stuff
npm init postcss-plugin --title "Awesome Blossom"


The id argument defines the id used by the project package.json and repository.

npm init postcss-plugin --id awes-blos


The desc or description argument defines the description used by the project README.md and package.json.

# becomes "Use exciting new functions" and "Awesome Blossom lets you create new functions in CSS."
npm init postcss-plugin --desc "use exciting new functions"
# becomes "Use exciting new functions" and "Awesome Blossom lets you create new functions in CSS."
npm init postcss-plugin --description "use exciting new functions"


The author argument defines the author used by the project package.json.

npm init postcss-plugin --author "Cee S Esse"


The email argument defines the email used by the project package.json.

npm init postcss-plugin --email "postcss@postcss.org"


The user argument defines the user or organization hosting the project.

npm init postcss-plugin --user "postcss"


The keywords argument defines the keywords used by the project package.json.

npm init postcss-plugin --keywords "awesome,blossom"


The no-install argument instructs the project to not automatically install dependencies.

npm init postcss-plugin --no-install