
Is it possible to interpolate values for custom media?

comatory opened this issue · 4 comments

Is there a way to change this:

@custom-media --small-viewport (max-width: 30em);

to this?

@custom-media --small-viewport (max-width: var(--my-custom-max-width));

I'm creating a component library with provided stylesheets and expose variables, this would be better for code re-use.

I see it's not possible with CSS spec. However could this be a feature of this plugin? Would it be possible to replace variables when given some source of those variables?

If it's not part of the CSS spec, which this plugin is trying to follow, then it shouldn't implement it, IMO.

However, I think it'd be suuuper nice if the plugin could catch @custom-media definitions with var(-- in it and warn about them in the dev console saying that they won't work (possibly with a link to this issue to explain it).