Use Custom Media Queries in CSS, following the CSS Media Queries specification
- 4
- 7
Use PostCSS 8 events
#63 opened by ai - 1
- 2
Media Queries not working
#54 opened by waynehaffenden - 1
Can't import queries from .pcss file
#53 opened by talyguryn - 2
Breakpoints not working properly
#50 opened by ahahn95 - 1
7.0.6 broke my css
#48 opened by andreymal - 6
Help understanding changes from v6 to v7
#47 opened by emmenko - 4
Broken AND operator since 7.x.x
#44 opened by henryruhs - 2
Version 7.0.5 not being published to npm
#45 opened by emmenko - 7
"extensions" option lost since new versions?
#43 opened by kud - 2
7.0 - media types not working
#40 opened by gpoitch - 5
PostCSS 7 conflicts
#38 opened by henryruhs - 9
- 1
- 2
- 2
- 1
7.0 regression
#39 opened by ai - 3
Please add the option for disable all warnings
#36 opened by docccdev - 2
- 2
min-width & max-width
#32 opened by elliottmangham - 1
How to specify a range instead of min/max width?
#31 opened by swese44 - 6
- 1
Can we define custom media variable as global
#27 opened by sibinx7 - 6
Importing file with :root declarations
#25 opened by quantuminformation - 5
custom media bug when nested
#24 opened by smuemd - 13
How to use with postcss-import ?
#19 opened by grrseguin - 3
Better explanation
#20 opened by pixelass - 3
Is this a part of future CSS standard?
#21 opened by slavafomin - 2
Improper circular rule detection
#18 opened by mikestopcontinues - 2
References not being transformed as expected
#16 opened by tbck - 3
Use extension name in custom media definitions?
#9 opened by hgl - 2
- 3
- 1
extensions definition need t be prefixed by --
#11 opened by MoOx - 12
simple-vars not resolved
#7 opened by VinSpee - 3
Logging is missing file name
#5 opened by necolas - 0
2.0.0 is not on npm
#6 opened by MoOx - 4
Add extensions using node api
#3 opened by necolas - 0
Not compile if a space
#2 opened by magsout - 0
Add to examples
#1 opened by ai