Enforce usage of logical properties and values in CSS
- 0
- 0
Autofix produces erroneous code
#31 opened by kaevupoiss - 2
Shorthand properties
#29 opened by ismay - 1
Logical media queries
#28 opened by raphaelgoetter - 2
CommonJS plugins are deprecated
#27 opened by Luquatic - 1
Support logical units
#26 opened by azat-io - 5
Except doesn't work as expected
#3 opened by yepninja - 2
Plugin not supported when using Stylelint >16
#25 opened by arvidnilber - 8
- 2
Move plugin to monorepo?
#23 opened by romainmenke - 2
- 2
Outdated peer-dependency of styleline
#7 opened by jens-duttke - 1
Stylelint 15 is not supported
#20 opened by yukulele - 0
Detect `width` and `height`
#18 opened by kagankan - 4
Does not work with scss modules
#16 opened by ScorpAL - 2
v2 not published to npm
#9 opened by WickyNilliams