
Use CSSTree to test a real site CSS and collect a data

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Real Web CSS

Real site's CSS usage data analysis. Powered by CSSTree & Discoveryjs

Real Web CSS

How to use locally

  1. Download The Majestic Million's site list and make a top of site (output data/sites.csv):

    npm run sync:sites
  2. Download a top site's CSS (output data/css/*.css):

    npm run download:css

    If something goes wrong on CSS downloading (freezing, network issue or errors on console), you can abort the process. Downloading will continue from the last successful processed site. You can set the start site by editing data/idx.txt file (if file doesn't exist downloading is start from the first one), which contains just a single number – site index.

    You can specify a number of sites to be used for CSS downloading (25 by default):

    npm run download:css 100
  3. Extract data from downloaded CSS (output data/test-results.json):

    npm test
  4. Discover data

There are two options:

  • Run a server that provides user interface:

    npm start
  • Build static version (no server is required, see report in build folder):

    npm run build