
Demo project that shows how to implement navigation in SwiftUI iOS application using Swift Composable Architecture

MIT LicenseMIT

SwiftUI Navigation with Composable Architecture

Swift v5.3 platforms iOS test coverage 95%

📝 Description

This is a demo project that shows how to implement navigation in SwiftUI iOS application using Swift Composable Architecture. It uses NavigationLink to push screens onto the navigation stack. App state is managed using Composable Architecture. It also contains logic responsible for handling long-living effects and dismissing the stack to the root view (pop-to-root).

Solutions used in this project are described in the article: Thoughts on SwiftUI navigation.

Navigation in demo app
navigation in demo app

🛠 Tech stack

The project contains unit and snapshot tests. Reference images for snapshot tests were recorded using iPhone 12 simulator.

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📄 License

Copyright © 2021 Dariusz Rybicki Darrarski

License: MIT