
Team 5 of 2018 Synopsys ARC Design Contest

Primary LanguageC

ARC team 5 vending machine

Table of Content


We use ARC as our user terminal and connect to the server, which is implemented with cloud data management and smart selling system. Peripheral devices and sensors are added to the ARC exp. WiFi, temperature sensor, OLED and many more.

Our vending machine system provides maintainance issue related to vending machine, such as auto-checking for food expired date, temperature overheat detecting. Other than that, vending machine is connected to database which users are allow to use their id for payment without physical bills or coins, and the machine will recommend what to buy depending on the purchase records of that user. The reason why our machine is different from others, the system administrator can get the information by signing in far away from the vending machine; the costomer can pay cashlessly. With e-payment, according to the purchase record of customer or other information, our machine can easily give some recommand after some operation, which can effectively decrease the time for customer making decision and interact with interest.



hardware connection

EMSK Board firmware used in this application

  • emsk ver2.2

The peripheral devices used in this application

peripheral module
Wi-Fi EMW3162
temperture adt7420
DC motor 6V 1:1000
Infrared ray led 940nm

The hardware setup

port interface peripheral
J1 GPIO DC motor & Infrared ray
J2 I2C temperature
J3 GPIO Number pad
J6 SPI Wi-Fi


sofware requirement

  • Visual Studio code IDE
  • ARC GNU Toolchain
  • serial port terminal eg. putty
  • Apache server , phpmysql

visual Studio IDE settings

edit /ARC_VSCODE/StartVSCode.bat to set your ARC toolchain path, library path, vscode program path. example:

	SET ARC_ToolChain=C:/arc_gnu
	SET ARC_BSP_SRC=C:/embarc_osp-master
	start "" "C:/Program Files/Microsoft VS Code/Code.exe" %*

Makefile settings

Target options about EMSK and toolchain:

BOARD     ?= emsk
BD_VER    ?= 22
CUR_CORE  ?= arcem7d

User Manual

Before Running This Application

Firstly, download source code of vending machine from GitHub.

Run the server_side code

  1. open the Apache HTTP server .
  2. Secure your site with HTTPS(openssl etc...), you should also put the certificae file into the arc board so that it can update data via HTTPS.
    • in file embarc_osp-master/middleware/mbedtls/library/certs.c
    • change the content of const char mbedtls_test_cli_crt_rsa[]
  3. import projectarc.sql into phpmysql(Data Base)
  4. register a new user account from our website.
  1. change the value 'Authority' in the table 'sign_data' to 1.
  2. sign in to enter the main website.

Launch VSCode IDE

/ARC_VSCODE/StartVSCode.bat Launch StartVSCode.bat to run this vending machine application. After launching VScode, right click on the workspace and choose add Folder in the path ../ARC_VSCODE/vending-machine to workspace.

Wi-Fi hotspot connnection settings

Modify the ssid and password of Wi-Fi AP in ../embarc_osp-master/board/emsk/emsk.h to connect Wi-Fi module to the hotspot

#define WF_HOTSPOT_NAME             "EMBARC"
#define WF_HOTSPOT_PASSWD           "12345678"

Entering Main

After Wi-Fi connected, FREERTOS rises all tasks including communication, oled, temperature, blinky, number pad and DC motor.

Source code directory

  • main function directory src\arc_osp-master\middleware\vending-machine

    • Include
    • Source
    • Readme.md
  • src\arc_osp-master\middleware\vending-machine\Source

FILE description
vm_task.c main queue
communication_task.c mbedtls ssl client
oled_task.c oled display
adt7420.c temperature sensor
dcmotor_task.c dc_motor controller
numpad_task.c user input
LED_task.c make the board blinky
FreeRTOSConfig.c Freertos configuration
  • \server_side\
FILE description
item.php change vending machine's data
item.css to typeset item.php
logout.php logout
read.php updata both side server and arc
sign_in.php sign into the item.php
sign_up.php create an account
arc2php.txt exchange data from arc to server
com2arc.txt exchange data from server to arc
projectarc.sql initialize the data in the data base