
Experiment an API to limit the number of hackney requests launched concurrently

Primary LanguageErlangOtherNOASSERTION



Experiment an API to limit the number of requests launched concurrently.

Right now hackney is launching as many requests possible whcih means that a lot of FDs can be used. Also the pool can become a bottleneck when it get too much requests.

In hackney pooler you will have N concurrent requests where N is the number of workers in a pool. A pool group is sharing a pool and a pool can be shared between multiples groups if given in the pool config.

Internally a pool is maintained using worker_pool.

Example of a synchronous request:

1> application:ensure_all_started(hackney_pooler).
2> hackney_pooler:new_pool(test, [{workers,1000}, {concurrency, 4},
                                  {max_connections, 150}]).
4> hackney_pooler:request(test, get, <<"https://friendpaste.com">>).
     {<<"Date">>,<<"Tue, 25 Nov 2014 09:42:41 GMT">>},
     {<<"Content-Type">>,<<"text/html; charset=utf-8">>},
      <<"FRIENDPASTE_SID=d7ae3781285eb1ec3598a5b220ea78c90e430cb7; expires=Tue, 0"...>>},
      <<"X-Requested-With, X-HTTP-Method-Override, Content-Type, "...>>},
    <<"<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang=\"en\">\n<head>\n    <meta charset=\"utf-8\"/>\n    <title>Friendpaste - Welcome"...>>}

Note: by default a pooler is launch with only 1 connection pool. Using the concurrency option will create N pools of connections whre 2 * N + 1 = number of i/o threads. You can force the number of connections pools using {concurrency, N}.

Example of an asynchronous request:

An asynchronous request send is like a cast, it handle the request in the worker and can send the result to a Pid or a function. If a function is given, it will be handled in the worker.

1> application:ensure_all_started(hackney_pooler).
    2>  hackney_pooler:new_pool(test, [{group, testing}, {max_count, 50}, {init_count, 50} ]).
3>  hackney_pooler:async_request(test, self(), get, <<"https://friendpaste.com">>, [], <<>>, []).
4> flush().
Shell got {hpool,{test,{ok,200,
    {<<"Date">>,<<"Wed, 26 Nov 2014 11:00:37 GMT">>},
        <<"text/html; charset=utf-8">>},
    {<<"Transfer-Encoding">>,<<"chunked">>}, [...]

An async request can send requests to a pid, a function (arity 1 or 2) or nothing if nil is given.

Pool Configuration via application environment

% hackneypooler.config
% Start Erlang as: erl -config pooler
% -*- mode: erlang -*-
% hackney_pooler app config
 {hackney_pooler, [
         {pools, [
                  [{name, test},
                   {workers, 1000},
                   {concurrency, true}]

You can also pass default settinsg using the default_conf env setting.

Known limitations

  • Streams are not handled. A body is fetched entirely when the worker return.
  • Config is not validated.
  • no REST api