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Click on the provided job link to view the source of the posting and apply to the position. Check back in regularly to see the newest postings - jobs are updated daily.
- Product Owner: Paul Sokolik
- Development Team Members: Ashwin Aravindan, Chris Staton, Timmy Luong
Start MySQL server
mysql.server start
mysql -u root
Run gulp
- backbone: 1.2.1
- bcrypt-nodejs: 0.0.3
- bluebird: 2.9.30
- body-parser: 1.13.1
- bookshelf: 0.8.1
- chai: 1.9.0
- cookie-parser: 1.3.5
- cron: 1.0.9
- d3-browserify: 3.4.12
- express: 4.12.4
- express-method-override: 0.0.3
- express-session: 1.11.3
- indeed-api: 1.0.0
- jquery: 2.1.4
- jquery-ui-browserify: 1.11.0-pre-seelio
- knex: 0.8.6
- mocha: 2.0.1
- morgan: 1.6.0
- mysql: 2.7.0
- node: 0.0.0
- passport: 0.2.2
- passport-linkedin-oauth2: 1.2.1
- passport-local: 1.0.0
- react: 0.13.3
- react-d3: 0.3.1
- request: 2.58.0
- underscore: 1.8.3
From the root directory:
npm install -g bower
npm install
bower install
mysql.server start
Must use mocha version 2.0.1 for React testing
npm install mocha@2.0.1
Do not remove or rename compiler.js
Do not remove or rename testdom.js
Avoid adding any new files to folder test/
Additional tests should be added in shallowRenderSpec.js or serverSpec.js
Heroku: The deployment process will depend upon your source of data and may require additional steps specific to your own implemention.
(Optional) For better performance, add a Google Maps API key in client/index.html by replacing "sensor=true"
(Optional) Use a local file for Google Maps Utility Marker Clusterer rather than the default svn
Remove dist/ folder from .gitignore
Run gulp to update dist/src/build.js
(Recommended) Install a utility that minifies JavaScript files
npm install -g uglifyjs
(Recommended) Minify dist/src/build.js
(Recommended) Rename the minified file as build.js (this fill will be included in index.html)
From the root directory, make a commit from your master branch, then push to Heroku (may require force push)
git add *
git commit
git push --force heroku master
After Heroku confirms deployment, reset the temporary changes by resetting the HEAD of your master branch
git reset HEAD~1
git checkout -- .
To manage your app log in to the Heroku Dev Center
For a tutorial on deployment read
ClearDB MySql
Only needs to be set up once when you deploy the first time to Heroku
Set up your database initially
heroku addons:create cleardb
View the project roadmap here
See for contribution guidelines.