
Ports of Apple Sample Code to Swift

Primary LanguageSwift

Apple Samples Ported to Swift

Like a lot of other developers I'm trying to familiarize myself with Swift.

Towards that goal I'm porting some of the Apple sample code to Swift.

In general, I'm doing the following to each project before I start changing the code:

  • Convert to Objective-C ARC
  • Convert to Modern Objective-C Syntax
  • Update Deployment Targets to iOS 8.0
  • Validate the project settings and let Xcode change them as it wants
  • Add Default-568h@2x.png to allow for running on an iPhone 5

Then I start diving into it one file at a time.

I'll add notes and comments as I go along and discover stuff of note.


A straight port without any major changes


A little trickier than the first one. For some reason it kept crashing whenever I tried to hit one of the buttons. I'm not entirely sure if it was something I did wrong or just somthing in the framework that is not quite there yet.


  • For some reason I was not able to define a closure as a variable. When I did I was getting compilation errors in PrintPhotoViewController when trying to present the UIPrintInteractionController. I got passed this by using trailing closures
  • Converted the app to storyboards as I wanted to do something simple with storyboards before I start diving into more difficult stuff.