System Health Updater is a tool that gets a list of health informations of the machine that it is running the script. This informations are uptaded through a POST request to a consumer, receiving a json object with theses data.
The json object with all the health data follow this format bellow:
'cpu_count': NUMBER,
'cpu_load': NUMBER,
'cpu_percent': NUMBER,
'total_ram': NUMBER,
'used_ram': NUMBER,
'memory_used_percent': NUMBER
'total_disk_space': NUMBER,
'used_disk_space': NUMBER,
'free_disk_space': NUMBER,
'read': STRING,
'written': STRING
Before run the Dockerfile, change the the BASE_URL and ROUTE at the Dockerfile, with the base url and route that you want to send the POST request of the System Health Updater.
CMD [ "python", "./ <BASE_URL> <ROUTE>"]