
:wheelchair: Static web content of Liberté 0 / Freedom #0

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Liberté 0 / Freedom #0

This repo has moved to GitLab.


Ceci est le "repo" temporaire du site web statique de l'association Liberté 0 (liberte0.org).

Vous pouvez visiter le site web statique à l'adresse http://cstrobbe.gitlab.io/Liberte0/.


Temporary repository of static code for the website of Liberté 0 / Freedom #0 (liberte0.org).

The English version of the temporary website can be accessed at http://cstrobbe.gitlab.io/Liberte0/en/.

(The domain libert0.org was registered on 25 March 2013 and will expire on 18.03.2020.)


The content of this website is available under the Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0.