
A script for automatically generating 1st and 2nd stage input file for PyRESP

Primary LanguagePython

PyRESP GEN PROGRAM version 1.0

This program is developed for automatically generating the input file for program PyRESP (a python version) or pol_resp (fortran version)

Author info: Qiang Zhu PostDoc AT UC Irvine Qiang's Blog


  • constant.py : definition of constant variables
  • pyresp_gen.py : main program for pyresp gen
  • prepin.py : function of dumping 1st stage and 2nd stage input file
  • zmatrix.py : function for getting information from esp data, building distance matrix, finding equivalent atoms and bonds, and dump esp data to xyz for visualization.a
  • pyresp_gen_env.yml : a environment library file
  • examples : a bundle of examples for test

How to intall


This program runs with python 3. To run this program, make sure the following dependencies are installed:

  • numpy: A Python library supporting for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices.
  • scipy: A Python library used for scientific computing and technical computing.

You can manually install the aformationed library one by one. However, for your convenience, a environment file named pyresp_gen_env.yml was provided. A corresponding environment could be created using following command:

conda env create -f pyresp_gen_env.yml

How to use

Step 1:

Downloading the source code and put them to your desired location \your\path;

Step 2:

Installing the required libraries and activate them. If you are utilizing the anaconda, you can easily install the libraries with the environment file pyresp_gen_env.yml we supplied. Then, just activate the environment you created with the following command:

conda activate your_env_name

Step 3:

Setting the environment path:

  • For Mac User: Editing the ~/.zshrc and adding the following line:
export PATH=/your/path/to/pyresp_gen:$PATH
  • For Linux User: Editing the ~/.bashrc file and adding the same line

Executing the pyresp_gen command line

pyresp_gen.py [-h] --espdat ESPDAT [--Istage ISTAGE] [--IIstage IISTAGE] [--ptype PTYPE] [--dtype DTYPE] [--nmol NMOL] [--charge CHARGE] \
			  [--QWT1 QWT1] [--QWT2 QWT2] [--PWT1 PWT1] [--PWT2 PWT2] [--EXC12 EXC12] [--EXC13 EXC13] [--DEPTH DEPTH] [--verbose VERBOSE]

For help just type pyresp_gen.py -h which will show the explanation of each arguments. Here, we explained them in detail.

  • -h or --help : show help message and exit

  • -i or --espdat : input file of esp data

  • -f1 or --Istage : name for the 1st stage input file, if you not specified, default name pyrespgen.1st will be applied

  • -f2 or --IIstage : name for the 2nd stage input file, if you not specified, default name pyrespgen.2nd will be applied

  • -p or --ptype : polarization type, in this version, only support chg: additive model ind: RESP-ind model perm: RESP-perm model <- default

  • -d or --dtype : Damping function type, in this version supproted types are listed below: (1) applequist (2) tinker (3) exponential (4) linear (5) pgm <- default

  • -nmol or --nmol : Number of conformations. In this version could only handle one conformation

  • -q or --charge : Total charge of this structure or conformer

  • -qwt1 or --QWT1 : Charge restraint in the 1st stage: default is set to be 0.0005

  • -qwt2 or --QWT2 : Charge restraint in the 2nd stage: defalt is set to be 0.001

  • -pwt1 or --PWT1 : Permanent dipoles restraint in the 1st stage

  • -pwt2 or --PWT2 : Permanent dipoles restraint in the 2nd stage

  • -exc12 or --EXC12 : including (0) or excluding (1) 1-2 interactions

  • -exc13 or --EXC13 : including (0) or excluding (1) 1-3 interactions

  • -depth or --DEPTH : Maximum depth for searching equivalance atoms

  • -v or --verbose : Print verbose info.