Puzzle 1

cipher ijklmnopqrstuvwxyzabcdefgh plain abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

ackpamkzmb/0i86m75278729n6849i3l289jj13036il8l1034ji9mk84j27mlijk0297394153.riz suchsecret/0a86e75278729f6849a3d289bb13036ad8d1034ba9ec84b27edabc0297394153.jar

Puzzle 2

12/29/1790 04:05 PM

marty_mcfly n7MbSwIzzs

biff_tannen 51CuY3uBbb


Puzzle 3

  • order of words doesn't seem to matter - it's about where they appear first in the script?
  • first letter controlled by earliest appearing word in message
  • space comes after z
  • message_bits field - 5 bits per word - minimum required for all lowercase letters and space


is a missing can need minutes set got amounted never kind trying we couldve gullible totaled linda girls floor hits completely birth travel store twenty form platform irish tom written john strange united earth wrote follow apparently

Puzzle 4

  • Endpoints -
    • POST api/csun/bot/match
      • Takes user_token and bot_token args
      • GET is also enabled for this route for some reason
    • GET api/csun/bot/next
      • Takes no args
    • POST api_predict/csun/predict
      • Takes image arg

genetic algorithm - brain.py

Puzzle 5

MD5 username+captchaID, convert result to binary, prepend zeros to make all groups 64 bits long, run through dictionary and mod 9 to generate what alpha group and individual character each binary group represents.

['0111011111001011', '0011100101000111', '1010110000111010', '1100110001000000'] -> ascii_shift = (binary_group#[:-2])%9 -> apply to binary_group#[-2:] = 5l0q