
CSC231 Final Group Project

Primary LanguageJava

Planetary Rover Communications Module

Final Project for CSC231 Computer Systems

Team Capsicum

Sabrina Contaldi
Wesley Hershberger
Vidit Khandelwal

  • Used PEP9 Assembly and Java

Status Formulae

Field Name # of Bits Range
Latitude 15 encode(x) = (x + 90) * 100
decode(x) = (x / 100) - 90
Longitude 16 encode(x) = (x + 180) * 100
decode(x) = (x / 100) - 180
Elevation 15 encode(x) = (x + 200) * 2
decode(x) = (x / 2) - 200
Ambient Temp 10 encode(x) = (x + 200) * 2
decode(x) = (x / 2) - 200
Ambient Light 16 significand(x) = 14 least-significant bits
exponent(x) = 2 greatest-significant bits
encode(x) = for exponent in [0, 3]
if x < 2^14 * 2^exponent:
exponent = exponent
significand = round(x / 2^exponent)
decode(x) = significand(x) * 2^exponent(x)
Wind Speed 9 encode(x) = x * 2
decode(x) = x / 2
Internal Temp 9 encode(x) = (x + 50) * 2
decode(x) = (x / 2) - 50
Charge level 9 encode(x) = (x*4)
decode(x) = (x/4)
Subsystem Indicator 10 No Encoding
Subsystem Status Code 6 No Encoding
Alert Indicator 1 No Alert = 0 Alert = 1
Internal time 48 No Encoding
Hours of operation 20 No Encoding

Status Message Format

Byte boundary Length (bits) Name
6 48 Internal Time
2 16 Ambient Light
2 16 Longitude
3 15 Latitude
9 Wind Speed
3 15 Elevation
9 Internal Temperature
2 10 Subsystem Indicator
6 Subsystem Code
5 20 Hours of Operation
10 Ambient Temperature
1 Alert Indicator
9 Charge Level
Message Size Total Bytes
23 23

Command Formulae

Field Name # of Bits Range
Mission Mode 4 Navigate = 0
Recharge = 1
Wait_Light_Above = 2
Wait_Light_Below = 3
Wait_AmbientTemp_Above = 4
Wait_AmbientTemp_Below = 5
Wait_InternalTemp_Above = 6
Wait_InternalTemp_Below = 7
Wait_WindSpeed_Above = 8
Wait_WindSpeed_Below = 9
Wait_Time = 10
Latitude 15 encode(x) = (x + 90) * 100
decode(x) = (x / 100) - 90
Longitude 16 encode(x) = (x + 180) * 100
decode(x) = (x / 100) - 180
Charge Level 9 encode(x) = (x*4)
decode(x) = (x/4)
Wait Condition 32 Varies based on value in Mission Mode
Lighting Level 16 significand(x) = 14 least-significant bits
exponent(x) = 2 greatest-significant bits
encode(x) = for exponent in [0, 3]
if x < 2^14 * 2^exponent:
exponent = exponent
significand = round(x / 2^exponent)
decode(x) = significand(x) * 2^exponent(x)
Ambient Temperature 10 encode(x) = (x + 200) * 2
decode(x) = (x / 2) - 200
Internal Temperature 9 encode(x) = (x+50)*2
decode(x) = (x/2)-50
Wind Speed 9 encode(x) = x*2
decode(x) = x/2
Time 48 No Encoding

Command Message Layout

Byte Boundary Length (bits) Name
6 48 Time
4 32 Wait Condition
2 16 Lighting Level
2 16 Longitude
3 15 Latitude
9 Charge Level
4 10 Ambient Temperature
9 Internal Temperature
9 Wind Speed
4 Mission Modes
Message Size Total Bytes
21 21