
Nice places to go in new york (brooklyn)

Primary LanguageJavaScript

new york city spots

A map of good spots in new york https://csvsoundsystem.github.com/nyc-spots

To add to the list, edit the spreadsheet that lives at src/data/spots.csv and make a pull request.

Make your own map

If you want to use this template as a start for your own map, you can do the following (NodeJs required):

  1. Fork this repo, clone it and install its dependencies with git clone https://github.com/YOUR_GHUSERNAME/nyc-spots.git && cd nyc-spots && npm install
  2. Make your edits to the spreadsheet at src/data/spots.csv
  3. Do npm run dev and navigate to localhost:8000/public/index.html to preview changes
  4. If that looks good, publish to gh-pages with npm run publish. Visit your live map at https://YOUR_GHUSERNAME.github.com/nyc-spots