
This is a client for JavaScript. It can return a csv or a json response depending on whether you pass either string as the second argument..


npm install --save treasuryio

In NodeJS

Run with a json response

var treasuryio = require('treasuryio')
treasuryio('SELECT * FROM t1 LIMIT 10', 'json', function (err, response) {
  if (err) {

Run with a csv response

var treasuryio = require('treasuryio')

treasuryio('SELECT * FROM t1 LIMIT 10', 'csv', function (err, response) {
  if (err) {

In the browser

The usage is exactly the same in the browser except you don't need the line var treasuryio = require('treasuryio'). The only catch is you need to load the dsv module in your HTML like so:

<script src="dsv.min.js"></script>

You can grab copy this file from here.


To test that it works in the browser, open this page. You should see the first ten rows of of t1, Operating Cash Balance.

To test that it works in node, run

npm install
npm test

It should print the first ten rows from t1, "Operating Cash Balance" as csv and json.