
Scheme compiler for the LC2K

Primary LanguageRacketBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause

LC2K Scheme

This is a Scheme compiler for the LC2K processor, an imaginary 32-bit RISC CPU used for the introductory computer organization course at the University of Michigan, EECS 370. The LC2K is a fairly minimal design, where the only ALU operations are add and nand. After writing assembly programs for it by hand and with ad hoc code-generation scripts, I was curious to see what it took to run a real programming language on it.

The compiler is implemented in Racket, a Scheme dialect, and uses a Ruby script to run the LC2K assembler and simulator. The assembler and simulator are not included; they are part of class projects and not, as far as I know, freely available.


This compiler implements a subset of Scheme, including:

  • functions
  • first-class functions
  • integers (-2^31 to 2^30-1)
  • booleans
  • pairs (aka conses, aka linked lists)
  • heap allocation
  • characters
  • proper tail calls
  • if, and, or, not
  • type predicates
  • various numeric functions: +, -, even?, zero?, negative?

It does not yet implement:

  • functions with more than 3 arguments (coming up next)
  • closures and lambda forms
  • quoted literals
  • let, letrec
  • set!
  • vectors
  • symbols
  • strings
  • error handling
  • type checks
  • multiplication
  • garbage collection
  • etc...


Simple compilation

With the test file examples/fib.scm:

(define (fib-aux n a b)
  (if (zero? n)
      (fib-aux (- n 1) b (+ a b))))

(define (fib n)
  (fib-aux n 0 1))

(fib 21)

We can compile this from the comment line with:

$ racket -t compiler.rkt examples/fib.scm > fib.as

This will write out LC2K assembly suitable for assembling and running on a simulator. When the machine halts, the result will be encoded as a Scheme value in register 1, and stored to the location labeled SCMrv in the assembly code.

Running code

However, it's easier to use the included driver code to compile, assemble, and run Scheme code, and parse and display the result.

This uses the runner Ruby program behind the scenes, so make sure you have Ruby 1.9 or later available. (If you don't already have Ruby, it's very easy to install with RVM).

Set the environment variables LC2K, ASM, and SIM to the directory where your LC2K assembler and simulator live, and the names of the assembler and simulator programs. For instance, to use the 'solution' programs:

$ export LC2K=/path/to/370/code
$ export ASM=asol
$ export SIM=ssol

Now, use driver.rkt:

$ racket -t driver.rkt examples/fib.scm
$ racket -t driver.rkt examples/foldl.scm

Admittedly, the output isn't very exciting, but you can see from the source code that it's correct.


To see lists and first-class functions in action, see examples/foldl.scm:

(define (foldl proc init lst)
  (if (empty? lst)
      (foldl proc
             (proc init (car lst))
             (cdr lst))))

(foldl +
       (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 (cons 4 (cons 5 empty))))))

And the corresponding assembly code.

(For non-Lispers, the standard lists are linked lists created with cons; each cons cell has a head, accessed with car, and a tail, accessed with cdr, which should generally be another cons cell or the special value empty. This builds the list (1 2 3 4 5), then sums its elements.)


  • Racket (tested with version 5.3.3)
  • Ruby (tested with 1.9.3)
  • LC2K assembler and simulator

LC2K in a nutshell

The LC2K is a 32-bit word-addressed RISC machine with eight registers (0 through 7, and register 0 always holds 0), a 16-bit address space, and eight instructions.

Instruction set:

  • add: adds integers
  • nand: bitwise NAND
  • lw: load word, base+offset addressing
  • sw: store word, base+offset addressing
  • beq: branch if equal
  • jalr: jump and link register
  • noop: what it says on the tin
  • halt: likewise

Lisp implementation considerations for the LC2K

Having 16-bit address space with a 32-bit word size means there are plenty of extra bits for type tags on pointers, so I use a tagged-pointer representation.

Lisp implementations usually use a few low bits as tag bits, and use right shifts to turn minimally-tagged integers into machine integers, but the lack of a shifter on the LC2K makes this impractical. Instead, the two high bits are 01 to indicate a tagged word (anything other than an integer). This lets us use native machine integers as Scheme integers; the tag bits can be masked off of pointers as necessary, in only a few instructions.

See types.rkt for more details on the data representations.


Having never written a compiler before, I found several resources invaluable for this project.

Abdulaziz Ghuloum's An Incremental Approach to Compiler Construction paper provided a very useful roadmap, although I took a less stack-centric approach. Matt Might's Compiling Scheme to C with closure conversion was a useful guide to the front end, although using C as a target certainly simplifies matters.

An Introduction to Scheme and its Implementation had excellent implementation insights, as did R. Kent Dybvig's ICFP talk on the development of Chez Scheme.

My low-level IR generation owes much to the approach described by Haynes and Hilsdale for their Compiling Scheme Workshop.

Pereira's A Survey on Register Allocation led me to choose a linear scan register allocator. The original paper by Poletto and Sarkar was very useful. However, another paper by Sagonas and Stenman on its use with the Erlang HiPE compiler had key insights for using it in practice.