
Predicting Click-Through Rate for New Users and Advertisers

Primary LanguageJava


Developer : Zicong Zhou; Deepak Ananth Rama; Xu Zhang; Jason Lu email : deepak.ananthrama@gmail.com, jaesanx@cs.ucla.edu, Date : March 2013 For : Research paper titled "Predicting Click-Through Rate for New Users and Advertisers"

IDE : Eclipse Language : Java

Project to Predict Click Through Rate in online advertising for new users and advertisers.

Details of our training data set can be found here http://www.kddcup2012.org/c/kddcup2012-track2

An example run for replicating results:

  1. combine all files in run-files/training into a single text file called "training.txt" and save it under run-files
  2. add all the txt files from run-files folder into the same folder of src-files (referred as project)
  3. download lib linear http://www.csie.ntu.edu.tw/~cjlin/liblinear/ and run "make" on the project
  4. run LRFeaturePredictor.java, it should output 1.txt and 1_test.txt in the local path of the project.
  5. copy 1.txt, 1_test.txt, scoreKDD.py and newSol.txt (these 2 are from project.zip) to the project folder of lib linear
  6. in terminal navigate to liblinear folder
  7. run ./train -s 0 1.txt 1.model (this should generate 1.model)
  8. run ./predict -b 1 1_test.txt 1.out (this should generate 1.out)
  9. run awk '{for(i=3;i<=NF;++i)print $i}' temp.out > result.txt (gets the 3rd column needed to compare with newSol.txt)
  10. run tail -n 268554 results.txt > final.txt (gets rid of unnecessary line spacing)
  11. run python scoreKDD.py newSol.txt final.txt (this should generate the AUC, NWMAE, WRMSE metrics)

This package contains the following files:

All the classes with (main) by them are run independently to generate the result files. Main two classes to run are the LRFeaturePredictor.java and TokenFeaturePredictor.java


An initial implementation of token level CTR prediction, now replaced by TokenFeaturePredictor.java

-DataSetGenerator.java (main) A preprocessor that generates newTest.txt, newUserTest.txt, and newAdvTest.txt which represent new users and advertisers, new users, and new advertisers respectively. These are the testing data sets used in our program.

-DataStats.java (main) Does some data analytics on the training.txt file.

-LRFeaturePredictor.java (main) Linear Regression model for CTR prediction. Can set to various features within this through hardcoding.

-TableLoader.java Maps feature to values used in LRFeaturePredictor.

-TestDataExtractor.java Another data analytics extractor mainly for users.

-TokenFeaturePredictor.java (main) Token level feature predictor

-FirstModel.java (main) Used in feature engineering for term ctr

Sidenote: We originally had 5 members in our group but after maybe the 7th or 8th week one of our group mates dropped the course.