香港地址解析器 Hong Kong Address Parser

Hong Kong Address Parser converts unformatted Hong Kong address into standardize tagged address parts with corresponding coordinates. All results are verified by string matching.

Current Release - 0.2 (2018-11-25) : Release 0.1 (2018-11-07)

We need your help!

  • Mapping sub-districts into district council constituency area, please refer to this spreadsheet

File structure

|- accuracy_test # the tool that test the accuracy
|- data # data dictionay that may use in future
|- python # the python version of address parser, in module format
||-components # the core components of the parser
||-tests # the unit tests
|-utils # some scripts that help us get the test cases
|-web # the vue.js front end and also js version of the address parser

Vue.js frontend


# Get into the web folder
cd web

# Set up GA Tracking ID
cp .env-default .env

# Update VUE_APP_GA_TRACKING_ID in .env

# Install the required libraries and start the localhost version
npm install
npm run serve


# Go to the web folder and install the required libraries (ignore all the dev dependencies)
cd web
npm install --production

# Build the production code
npm run build

# The output website is at ./web/dist

Advanced development

The whole project has two stream, one is written in python and the other one is written in js. Feel free to contribute to either side of the algo to enhance the accuracy of the program.

To test the accuracy, we have a tool inside the accuracy_test which will run both python and js and test the percentage accrodingly.

Python version

# Import the components and use them
from components.core import Address
from components.util import Similarity

# Run the address parser with the address as param
address = Address(sys.argv[1])
result = ad.ParseAddress()

# Play around with the result

Javascript version

const addressParser = require('./../web/src/lib/address-parser');

const address = 'Some address to search';
const n = 100;
const URL = '';

// Since the addressParser wont call the ogcio directly but take the return json as param, we need to call the ogcio explicitly
const result = request.getAsync(URL, {
  headers: {
    Accept: 'application/json'
  qs: {
    q: address,
  json: {}
}).then(res => {

  // Run the address parser with the response from ogcio
  return addressParser.searchResult(address, res.body);
}).then( results => {
  // The results contain the sorted address that the top one should be the most aliked result