
TensorLy: Tensor Learning in Python.

Primary LanguagePythonOtherNOASSERTION

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TensorLy is a fast and simple Python library for tensor learning. It builds on top of NumPy, SciPy and MXNet and allows for fast and straightforward tensor decomposition, tensor learning and tensor algebra.

How to install

Easy option: install with pip

Simply run:

pip install -U tensorly

That's it!

Alternatively, you can pip install from the git repository:

pip install git+https://github.com/tensorly/tensorly

Development: install from git

The library is still very new and under heavy developement. To install the last version:

Clone the repository and cd there:

git clone https://github.com/tensorly/tensorly
cd tensorly

Then install the package (here in editable mode with -e or equivalently --editable):

pip install -e .

Running the tests

Testing and documentation are an essential part of this package and all functions come with uni-tests and documentation.

You can run all the tests using the nose package:

nosetests -v tensorly