[WP] E-commerce Project

SKKU WP 2019-FALL Team Project

1. Pre-requisite

  • python 3.7 이상
  • django 2.2 이상
  • DB: Sqlite3

2. 페이지 구성도


3. 모델 구성도


4. Requirements

Administrator Login

  • 1. Member List: Student ID, Password, Name, Classification (Buyer or Seller)
  • 2. Member Modification / Delete

When Seller Login

  • Product Registration: Product name, Price, trading place, phone number, status /product/create
  • status will be (auction / purchased completed / purchased in progress)
  • Seller can also go to the auction without setting a price.
  • Product Modification / Product Canceled (Such as auction Closing)
  • Seller’s Product list
  • Product name, number of wish applicants,
  • (Auction) History of auction price and bidder

When buyer Login

  • Product list: Seller name, Product name, Price, trading place, phone number, status
  • Product search : Search by Seller name, Product name, hope price, Multiple conditions must be combined to enable searching /product
  • Wish List [GET] /product/wish
  • Product buy: The status of the product should change when you click Buy
  • (Auction) Must bid more than current price and submit
  • Shopping list: If the auction you bid is over, the amount must also be included

Common Page

  • 1. Login Page
  • 2. Registration Page (with user input validation)
  • 3. Product Page