
NanoVNA-F, FreeRTOS version of TTRFTECH's NanoVNA.

Primary LanguageCGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


NanoVNA-F, FreeRTOS version of edy555's NanoVNA.
"VNA" means: 矢量网络分析仪器 / Vector Network Analyzer

项目描述 / Project Description

NanoVNA-F is a product made by BH5HNU based on the Open Source Project of NanoVNA(https://ttrf.tk/kit/nanovna/). Thanks to hugen's creative idea of use the harmonic of Si5351, We build NanoVNA-F and expand the measure frequency up to 1GHz, which S11 still have 40dB dynamic range At 1GHz.

For more infomation about performance parameter & details, please visit:NanoVNA-F product page

About NanoVNA-F machines Vendors and bad clones

Hello everyone, it is necessary to state that at present we only produce -F machines with metal case.
We do not resist enthusiasts buying machines from other suppliers, but enthusiasts need to have a certain discrimination ability: choose a supplier with good evaluation, and the price of the machine is trustworthy at around $ 120.
Like what hwalker in groups.io/nanovna-f said "be aware that some vendors are scammers and the only way to protect yourself is buying from a reputable source."
Recently we found a bad clone of the -F machine on AliExpress / eBay. We have open sourced all the code on github, but this clone is still badly made. ╮(╯▽╰)╭
As the picture shown below, We want enthusiasts to stay away from these crude products.
1 Please look for the product description in our shop, and think twice before purchasing any variant.

产品功能 / Product Features

NanoVNA-F can measure S parameters, Voltage Standing Wave Ratio(SWR), Phase, Group Delay, Smith chart and so on

NanoVNA-F hardware features include and are not limited to the following improvements:

  1. Use 4.3-inch IPS TFT LCD & resistive touch screen, with a larger view angle and can be seen clearly outdoor.
  2. Use large capacity 5000mAh/3.7V lithium battery, standby time is longer, and expand a USB interface. Usually, it can be used as a power bank when the instrument is not used.
  3. The Lipo Charing IC to changed to IP5306(with 2A high charing current) , make the charging time shorter.
  4. Use a larger and better operating level.
  5. Support Chinese and English menu switching;
  6. Upgrade the user program(firmware) by virtual U disk(16MB SPI Flash Memory Inside).
  7. Standard aluminium case to protect SMA head and reduce the interference of external electromagnetic wave to instrument.


如何购买 / Where to Buy

You can get one on AliExpress Deepelec Store and we support shipping to most parts of the world.
NanoVNA-F 快速入门指南(中文)
NanoVNA-F Quick start guide (English)

固件更新 / Firmware update

v0.0.2 2019-08-29 : 首次发行 / First Release

v0.0.3 2019-10-07 : 本次更新需要重新校准设备 / This update requires recalibration of the device

  • 支持NanoVNA上位机 / support NanoVNA's PC software;
  • 加入开机提示音 / Add a boot tone;
  • 优化低频段(<100MHz)S11测量结果 / Optimize band (<100MHz) S11 measurement results;

v0.0.4 2019-10-30 : 本次更新无需重新校准设备 / This update does not require recalibration of the device

  • 呼号显示 / Can display call sign
  • 修复 100MHz 频点不输出的 BUG / fix BUG: CW=100MHz do not output
  • 优化中文翻译 / Optimize Chinese translation

如何更新固件 / How to update the firmware

如何显示呼号 / How to display your call sign

  1. 使用 Type-C 将设备连接到 USB,进入 Bootloader 模式。 / Connect the device to USB using Type-C, go into Bootloader Mode.
  2. 将你的 callsign.txt 文件放入 U盘,重新上下电后自动显示。 / Put you callsign.txt into Udisk, Re-power the device.

后续计划 / Follow up plan:

  • 跟进原作者 NanoVNA 项目更新,BUG修复 / Follow up the original NanoVNA project update, BUG fix
  • 对数扫频 / Logarithmic frequency sweep

PC控制软件 / PC control software

NanoVNASharp v1.0.3(by Hugen)

nanoVNA_mod_v2(by alex_m)

nanovna-saver(by Rune B. Broberg)

相关网站 / Related website

MDK-ARM 工程编译 / Build by MDK-ARM

Created by STM32CubeMX 4.27.0 V1.0

  • HAL Lib :STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.6.1
  • MDK Ver :uVision V5.23.0.0
  • MDK Pack : ARM::CMSIS Ver: 5.2.0(2017-11-16)
  • MDK Pack : Keil::STM32F1xx_DFP Ver: 2.3.0(2018-11-05)
  • FatFs :R0.11 (February 09, 2015)
  • CHIP STM32F103VET6 FLASH: 512 KB, SRAM: 64 KB
  • SPI Flash W25Q128JVSIQTR

HAL Lib Path: C:/Users/S04/STM32Cube/Repository/STM32Cube_FW_F1_V1.6.1
After Build/Rebuild RUN #1
D:\Keil_v5\ARM\ARMCC\bin\fromelf.exe --bin -o .\update.bin .\NanoVNA-F\NanoVNA-F.axf

SW4STM32 工程编译 / Build by SW4STM32

待完善 / Coming soon