
Personal CUDA C++ ray tracing library.

Primary LanguageCudaMIT LicenseMIT


This hopefully will be my long-term ray tracing software project. I will keep adding features to the ray tracer as I learn and discover ray tracing techniques.


At the moment, I see two primary goals for this project:

  1. Declare a public ray tracing API so external applications may include it; and
  2. Create an interactive application window (perhaps using ImGui) to demonstrate the ray tracing API.

Current status

CUDA-accelerated ray tracing with support for spheres and 3 materials: Lambertian, metal, and dielectric. Camera is positionable. Rendering is accelerated using a BVH.

Current output image.

This image was rendered at 10 samples and 5 bounces per ray, and took 37 seconds to render on an RTX 3080 Mobile.



  • CMake version 3.5+
  • GCC (will add support for other compilers in the future)
  • The CUDA Toolkit

Note: Replace the CUDA include path in CMakeLists.txt with where <curand_kernel.h> is on your system.

cmake -B build .
cmake --build build

The binary will be in the bin folder.


After building the program, you can run unit tests by doing:

cd build

Or, if you want to see a more verbose output:

cd build/bin


I am setting up a development blog for this project. When it is done, it should live here.