- ak9250
- alexanderhucheerfulWeather technician
- chaofengcNanyang Technological University
- csxmli2016
- csyxweiHarbin Institute of Technology
- cszhilu1998Harbin Institute of Technology
- DenisSergeevitch
- dsx-aishanghai
- fly51flyPRIS
- FMCalistoInstitute for Systems and Robotics
- GuoShi28China
- hanzhu97702Aerospace Information Research Institute, Chinese Academy of Sciences
- happycaoyueHarbin Institute of Technology
- hellloxiaotianNorthwestern Polytechnical University, China
- IanYeungPolyU
- jingyao16Long way to learn.
- Ken1256
- liuguoyou
- LongguangWangNational University of Defense Technology (NUDT)
- lpj0
- mangoerya
- MartinXMTongyi Lab, Alibaba
- NTU-P04922004Taipei, Taiwan
- qibao77
- qzhang95Dalian Maritime University
- rhythm92Japan
- S-aiueo32Sansan Inc.
- splinter21
- SSRheart
- UdonDaThe University of Tokyo
- WenlongZhang0517ShanghaiAILab AI4Science
- wxjjack89
- xindongzhangHongKong
- zijundengSouth China University of Technology