This project has a collection of repair-efficient erasure codes: 1. Locally-repairable codes 2. Simple regenerating codes 3. MSR regenerating codes based on product matrix 4. MBR regenerating codes based on product matrx 5. MBR regenerating codes based on repair-by-transfer The GF-Complete library and Jerasure library, both by James Plank, need to be installed first. 2. 1. Before installing Jerasure library, the following two functions in jerasure.c need to be made non-static: int **jerasure_generate_decoding_schedule(int k, int m, int w, int *bitmatrix, int *erasures, int smart); char **set_up_ptrs_for_scheduled_decoding(int k, int m, int *erasures, char **data_ptrs, char **coding_ptrs); Then follow the instruction given on to install GF-complete and Jerasure. Note: the following files should be in the include path jerasure.h galios.h cauchy.h reed_sol.h
A set of repair efficient erasure codes useful for storage systems