
Collects CTA WAVE's comment on W3C Media Capability APIs


Collects CTA WAVE's comment on W3C Media Capability APIs

A first analysis was done here: https://1drv.ms/w/s!AiNJEPgowJnWgpQn_duIoacMuDdrtA?e=Yhy4cU

The Media Capabilities API provides an improved alternative to the isTypeSupported() API for determining whether a given user agent is capable of encoding, decoding and rendering a piece of content.

To determine if a user-agent can decode a particular piece of content, the mediaCapabilities.decodingInfo() method is called. The method takes an instance of a MediaDecodingConfiguration object as an argument and returns as a Promise a MediaCapabilitiesInfo object.

CTA WAVE has identified several issues when this new API is used with CTA WAVE/CMAF Content. These issues are collected and may be provided to W3C as part of an liaison or other communication channels between CTA WAVE and W3C.