AnyKernel 2.0 - CWM Zip Template for Kernel Releases with Ramdisk Modifications by osm0sis @ xda-developers "AnyKernel is a template for an that can apply any kernel to any ROM, regardless of ramdisk." - Koush AnyKernel 2.0 pushes the format even further by allowing kernel developers to modify the underlying ramdisk for kernel feature support easily using a number of included command methods along with properties and variables. A working script based on DirtyV Kernel for Galaxy Nexus (tuna) is included for reference. // Properties / Variables kernel.string=KernelName by YourName @ xda-developers do.initd=1 do.devicecheck=1 do.cleanup=1 device.name1=maguro device.name2=toro device.name3=toroplus block=/dev/block/platform/omap/omap_hsmmc.0/by-name/boot; do.initd=1 will create the init.d directory in /system/etc/init.d/ and apply 755 permissions. do.devicecheck=1 specified requires at least device.name1 to be present. This should match ro.product.device or for your device. do.cleanup=0 will keep the zip from removing it's working directory in /tmp/anykernel - this can be useful if trying to debug in adb shell whether the patches worked correctly. // Command Methods dump_boot backup_file <file> replace_string <file> <if search string> <original string> <replacement string> insert_line <file> <if search string> <line before string> <inserted line> replace_line <file> <line replace string> <replacement line> prepend_file <file> <if search string> <patch file> append_file <file> <if search string> <patch file> replace_file <file> <permissions> <patch file> write_boot "if search string" is the string it looks for to decide whether it needs to add the tweak or not, so generally something to indicate the tweak already exists. Similarly, "line before string" and "line replace string" are the search strings that locate where the modification needs to be made for those commands. // Instructions 1- Place zImage in the root 2- Place any required ramdisk files in /ramdisk 3- Place any required patch files (generally partial files which go with commands) in /patch 4- Modify the to add your kernel's name, boot partition location, permissions for included ramdisk files, and use methods for any required ramdisk modifications. 5- zip -r9 * Not required, but any tweaks you can't hardcode into the source should be added with a like is done in the example provided. Have fun!