
This reprository hold #1 the NEMO code source as associated input files as well (hereafter namelists) and #2 the list of other input files to describe the grid, the bathymetry and the surface forcing used to perform the numerical experiment called CREG025.L75-ERA01.


The CREG025.L75-ERA01 experiment relies on the ocean/sea ice models from the NEMO numerical plateform NEMO; it uses both NEMO-OPA and NEMO-LIM3.5 models for the ocean and the sea ice components respectively. It aims at simulating the ocean/sea-ice dynamics over the north Atlantic ocean (starting from ~25°N), the Greenland-Iceland-Norway seas and the whole Arctic basin with a limit along the Bering strait.

  • The horizontal grid is a 1/4 degree i.e. from ~25km up to ~12km in most of the Arctic basin.
  • A 75 vertical levels from 1m close to the surface up to 200m below 4000m.
  • The model time step is ∆t=720s.
  • The period simulated covers the range 1979-2018 (40-year long).


  • The ocean/sea ice model:
    ** The initial code source relies on the official NEMO release 3.6. Information can be found there The whole official code NEMO is available as the specific code changes as well associated to this experiement in the MY_SRC. The ARCH give a list all computers architecture on which NEMO has been compiled as templates.
  • The XIOS libray to perform outputs:
    ** Outputs have been realised in using the XIOS library; the revision 952 has been downloaded and compiled. More information can be found there XIOS.


1 - Time invariant input files:

  • Bathymetry:
    ** Description: ocean depth in meters (zeo aver land grid points). This file has been extracted from an existing global ORCA025.L75 configuration file.
    ** File name:
  • Coordinates:
    ** Description: horizontal grid scale factors as the geographical location of each Arakaw-C grid type point. This file has been extracted from an existing global ORCA025.L75 configuration file.
    ** File name:
  • Ocean initialisation:
    ** Description: World Ocean Atlas 2009 at 1°x1° climatology
    ** File,
  • Ice initialisation:
    ** Description: January climatology computed over the period 1998-2007 from a global ocean numerical experiement called ORCA12.L46-MAL95.
    ** File
  • Tidal mixing parametrization:
    ** Description: A new comprehensive parameterization of mixing by breaking internal tides and lee waves (de Lavergne et al., 2019)
    ** File name:```,,,,``
  • Distance to the coast:
    ** Description: gives the distance to the coast of each ocean grid points. It is used to switch off the SSS restoring in a 400km wide range from the coast.
    ** File name:

2 - Time varying input files:

  • Surface forcing:
    ** Description: The atmospheric forcing data set ERA5, with CORE bulk formulae (from NCAR) and relative winds (ocean surface velocity components taken into account for the wind stress
    ** File name: <var> stands for either u10,v10,msdwswrf,msdwlwrf,mtpr,msr,t2,q2.
    ** Frequency: hourly for all fields
  • Rivers and Greenland melting fluxes:
    ** Description: A blend of data from Dai & Trenberth for rivers volume fluxes and Bamber for fresh water resulting from Greenland melting
    ** File name: `````
    ** Frequency: monthl
  • Open boundaries:
    ** Description: 2 open boundaries conditions limit the regional domain, data are used there to force the model and are extracted from a previous global numercial simulation called ORCA025.L75-GJM189 DOI
    ** File name: ORCA025.L75-GJM189-CREG025.L75-BDY_south__<var>.nc and ORCA025.L75-GJM189-CREG025.L75-BDY_north_<var>.nc. stands vor SSH, U, V, T, S and ice for the Bering open boundar
    ** Frequency: monthly
  • Chlorophyll climatology:
    ** Description: Seawiffs satellite data climatology over the period 1999-2005
    ** File name: ```chlaseawifs_c1m-99-05_smooth_CREG_R025_vh20161117``
    ** Frequency: monthly
  • World Ocean Atlas 2009 surface salinity:
    ** Description: Sea surface salinity restoring with a piston velocity of 167 mm/day ( 60 days/10 meters
    ** File name:
    ** Frequency: monthly
  • World Ocean Atlas 2009 surface temperature:
    ** Description: to avoid SSS restoring where the SST climatology temperature is at the freezing point, i.e. in presence of sea-ice
    ** File name:
    ** Frequency: monthly