
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Week 8: Netlify Dev Install and Test

  • Install node.js – https://nodejs.org and choose the "Current" version. Open the installer and complete the steps.
  • Create a new repository in your GitHub account by selecting "Use this template"; call the new repository "week8" and clone/open the new repo in VSCode.
  • In VSCode, open a new Terminal window via the menu bar -> Terminal -> New Terminal. In the Terminal, ensure that Node was successfully installed by typing node -v. A version number should be returned.
  • Install the Netlify developer tools. In the terminal window, type npm install netlify-cli -g and hit Enter. It should take a couple of minutes.
  • Type npm install to install the rest of the dependencies for this project.
  • In the terminal window, type netlify dev. A browser window should pop up, navigate to http://localhost:8888 and show the contents of index.html.
  • Hit CTRL-C in the terminal window to stop the Netlify Dev server.