
A launching script for clojure

Quick do-what-I-mean clojure launcher.

This is a a ruby script that creates a class path and uses java to launch clojure under screen and rlwrap. Ruby, Java, screen, rlwrap, and clojure must be installed.

The main trick is to create a correct classpath. As far as this program is concerned, a proper classpath contains all the .jar files and all the directories that might contain .clj, .class, or .properties files.

There are three use cases that I mostly run:

  1. Just run clojure on the command line.


This will create a classpath with ~/.clojure (if it exists), /usr/local/lib/clojure.jar, and any src, classes, or properties in the current directory. Then java will be run with the arguments to create a clojure repl.

  1. Run clojure with the --project option

    clojure --project MY-PROJECT

This will create a classpath with ~/.clojure (if it exists), all the .jar files that exists in the directory tree starting at MY-PROJECT. The classpath will also have any src, classes, or properties directories that exists under the MY-PROJECT tree. Then java will be run with the proper arguments to create a clojure repl.

  1. Run clojure in a Unix init.d script.

    su -l $PROJECT_USER -c
    $CLOJURE --screen --name $PROJECT
    --project $PROJECT_DIR
    --require $PROJECT_REQUIRE

This will create the classpath as before and then run a clojure repl under screen. All done under the given user. It will also require the given namespace and eval the startup code. There is a sample init file in this directory.

-- Chris Dean ctdean@sokitomi.com

Usage: clojure [options] [args]

Construct and run clojure under Java.

By default we just run clojure.main and start a repl

All additional args are passed on the java command line.
If no additional args are given the default startup
sequence is used.

    --help                       Show this message
    --project dir                Sets the top project dir of the program.  
                                 Turns on --find and sets --clojure to false
    --dir dir                    Sets top dir of the program.  
                                 Defaults to '.'
    --[no-]ensure-classes        Ensure the classes dir exists
    --[no-]find                  Walk the dir tree looking for jars, 
                                 classes, and properties files.
    --clojure JAR                The location of clojure.jar or false.
                                 Defaults to /usr/local/lib/clojure.jar
    --[no-]rlwrap                Run clojure under rlwrap (default: on)
    --[no-]screen                Run clojure under screen (default: off)
    --[no-]fork                  When using screen, fork a new process 
                                 (default: off)
    --name SCREEN-NAME           Set the session name for screen
    --[no-]verbose               Print the command run
    --[no-]heap SIZE             Set maximum Java heap size.
                                 Defaults to 1G
    --jar FILE                   Add FILE to the classpath
    --require PACKAGE            Require this during the default startup
    --eval EXPRESSION            Eval this during the default startup
    --java-arg ARG               Add ARG to the end of the java options
    --[no-]user-init             Add ~/.clojure to the class path if
                                 it exists
    --version                    Show version