- 0
ROT13 fails to run on an M1 mac
#12 opened by unbeatable-101 - 0
"fish" game possible conflict with "fish" shell
#11 opened by arkholt - 5
Not working on OSX macos
#5 opened by cmarquezrusso - 1
Success report: macOS 10.14.6, Xcode 10.2.1
#9 opened by apjanke - 3
Fails to install on 10.14 Mojave
#7 opened by acheronfail - 7
'hack.onames.h' file not found
#3 opened by weabot - 1
Install on 10.6
#4 opened by excaliware - 5
Build fails unless BINOWN & friends are set
#2 opened by moyix