
Create Google Browser Extension with NPM Webpack CLI

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Create Google Browser Extension with NPM Webpack CLI


├─ src
   ├─ icons
   ├─ content // content scripts
   ├─ locales
   |  └─ en
   |     └─ messages.json
   ├─ options
   |  ├─ options.html
   |  ├─ options.css
   |  └─ options.js
   ├─ popup
   |  ├─ popup.html
   |  ├─ popup.css
   |  └─ popup.js
   ├─ # Add More Pages
   ├─ background.js
   └─ manifest.json


# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/ctechhindi/extension-webpack-cli

# Go into the repository
$ cd extension-webpack-cli

# Install dependencies
$ npm install

# Start server
$ npm run watch

Webpack Command

  • npm run watch

    Build the extension into dist folder for development mode.

  • npm run build

    Build the extension into dist folder for production mode.

  • npm run build-zip

    After the extension is created, you can use the extension folder as zip format in the build-zip Folder.

Adding extension to Chrome Browser

Before publishing to Chrome Web Store, it is always good to test locally.

All you need to do is to run npm run build to put everything required into dist folder, then launch chrome://extensions/ in Google Chrome.
