
Custom mods for CDDA


Just making my local CDDA mods available.

  1. Fallout2 Music (HQ) - not exactly a mod. More of a soundpack that only contains music from ft2 for those who, like myself, loves ft1/2 and wants to bring a bit of that music into CDDA. It fits quite well. To install, just copy the folder to your game's sound folder, start the game, go to Global settings and change the soundpack to Fallout-Music, then restart the game. The HQ version is about 1GB.
  2. Armored Wheel Offroad - Adds the offroad flag to armored wheels. CDDA devs claim the armored wheel is too good to be offroad. Well, I disagree. There we go.
  3. Hauling Space - Returns the Hauling space to the game right like it used to be. The devs decided to just get rid of it, which killed all my items in the car. Well, now it's back here with this mod.
  4. No Portal Storms - Effectively disables portal storms. The storms are pretty trivial to survive, and yet they're really annoying. Every 5-18 days becomes super annoying when you're playing for a few in-game years. Probably ok if you do like 30-days runs, but then where's the fun in short runs?
  5. No Revive - Prevents Zombs from reviving. I guess it's not that annoying until you start killing a lot of zombs later on. So you're done massacring a horde, now you spend a bunch of time pulping them? Followers do make it easier, yeah. But it's not like they're meant to be too common :)
  6. Magiclysm Simplified - remove the artificial limitations of magiclysm, brought to you to make you start over multiple times to explore the mod properly. So now you can pick any classes you want. Moreover, the technomancer's biomancer attunement now makes it so that bionic power doesn't limit mana at all.
  7. Healthy Foods - Adds some Health modifiers to meaty foods. The new health mechanics demanding you to run every day are pretty annoying. This makes it more bearable. Feel free to add health to more foods and PR your changes. I mostly make meety foods, so there we go.
  8. Unlimited CBMs - Removes the limitation on CBM slots from Aftershock. Because it's tedious to try all CBMs otherwise. Especially if you use other wonderful mods like cata++.

Just copy the chosen folders to your cdda\data\mods. You can edit your cdda\save\<world>\mods.json file and add the mods into an active playthrough, using mod idents from the modinfo.json

The mods I use:
