
GxE pipeline

Primary LanguageR


This repo contains scripts that comprise the Gene Environment Interaction (GxE) pipeline, for alignment & statistical modeling of allelic imbalances in RNA-Seq data across many cellular environments.


I. Align RNA-seq reads and perform QC

  • 1.) Create directories, symbolic link to fastqs, and distribute scripts for alignment
  • 2.) Align reads, merge barcodes, and perform QC
  • 3.) Read counts from all stages of filtering
  • 4.) Gene counts using DESeq2
  • 5.) Make pileups for QuASAR

II. QuASAR (EM) pipeline to infer individual ASE

  • 6.) Create directories, symbolic link to pileups, and distribute scripts for QuASAR
  • 7.) Run the QuASAR pipeline for joint genotyping and inference
  • 8.) Add gene annotations to QuASAR output

III. Process QuASAR output and prepare for MESH

  • 9.) Combine all QuASAR output into a master table
  • 10.) Add logFC annotations (Greg's script)
  • 11.) Split data for MESH and distribute to analysis directory

IV. MESH (MCMC) to infer condition specific ASE

  • 12.) Run the MESH pipeline
  • 13.) Combine all MESH data
  • 14.) Plot condition specific ASE

V. Multiclass logistic regression on MESH output and DESeq2 counts

  • 15.) Run multiclass logistic regression


  • Label the top directory as: td=/wsu/home/groups/piquelab/charvey/GxE
  • Scripts that call other scripts are chained together using ->
  • I is performed per plate, so we will use DP1 as an example. All other plates can be processed similarly by replacing DP1 with the desired plate.


1.) Create directories, symbolic link to fastqs, and distribute scripts for alignment
description: create directory structure for read alignment, copy alignment/QC scripts
             into relevant directories, & symlink to relevant .fastqs.
script: td/derived_data/scripts/Alignment_util_makelinks.sh 
dependencies: fastq files, named by plate number such as DP1_<things here>L1_R1.fastq 
in: A plate number, such as DP1
out: null
2.) Align reads, merge barcodes, and perform QC
description: align fastq files, merge barcodes, quality filter, then remove duplicates. Do read counts at each stage of filtering
script: td/derived_data/DP1/bams/Makefile 
dependencies: the folder ../fastqs with symlinked fastqs.
in: null
out: clean bam files & .txt files with read counts from each stage of filtering
3.) Read counts from all stages of filtering
description: creates a histogram & table from read counts at each stage of .bam processing
script: td/derived_data/DP1/counts/QC counts_QC_logs.sh -> counts_QC_logs.R  
dependencies: 2.) 
in: A plate number, such as DP1
out: DP1_QC_counts.pdf & DP1_QC_counts.txt
4.) Gene counts using DESeq2
description: use DESeq2 to measure gene expression, at the transcript level, from processed bams
script: td/derived_data/DP1/counts/GC counts_DEG.sh -> counts_DEG.R
dependencies: 2.) 
in: A plate number, such as DP1
out: DP1.data.gz & DP1.data.Rd
5.) Make pileups for QuASAR
description: make pileup/bed files from each clean bam file
script: td/derived_data/DP1/pileups/Makefile1
dependencies: 2.) 
in: null
out: clean DP1*.pileup.clean.bed.gz files 
6.) Create directories, symbolic link to pileups, and distribute scripts for QuASAR
description: create directory structure for QuASAR pipeline, copy QuASAR/MESH scripts
             into relevant directories, & symlink to relevant *.clean.bed.gz files.
script: td/jointGenotyping/scripts/QuASAR_util_makeLinks.sh
dependencies: 5.) 
in: A plate number, such as DP1
out: null
7.) Run the QuASAR pipeline for joint genotyping and inference
description: a full QuASAR analysis for each plate/cellLine
script: td/jointGenotyping/QuASAR_results_DP1/ QuASAR_pipeline_all.sh ->  QuASAR_pipeline.R
dependencies: 6.) & a properly formatted covariate file in td/derived_data/covariates 
in: A plate number, such as DP1, & the name of the analysis script, QuASAR_pipeline.R
out: QuASAR output for each plate:cellLine:treatment, plate:cellLine, QQ plots, and manhattan plots
8.) Add gene annotations to QuASAR output
description: add annotations of each gene to every heterozygote SNP identified with QuASAR
script: td/jointGenotyping/QuASAR_results_DP1/output/add_annotations.sh 
dependencies: 7.) 
in: null
out: QuASAR output tables with gene name annotation on each SNP
9. Combine all QuASAR output into a master table
description: create a master table from QuASAR output for each plate:cellLine 
script: td/jointGenotyping/QuASAR_results_DP1/ QuASAR_pipeline_all.sh ->  QuASAR_pipeline_masterTable.R
dependencies: 7.) 8.) 
in: A plate number, such as DP1, & the name of the analysis script, QuASAR_pipeline_masterTable.R
out: an output file, DP1_<cellLine>_masterTable_logFC.txt, ready to be combined into a master masterTable

9.a combine masterTables?

10. Add logFC annotations (Greg's script)
description: annotate logFC and fpkm data to each SNP in the masterTable  
script: ??
dependencies: 10.) is succesfully completed
in: masterTable from 9.a
out: masterTable annotated with logFC and fpkm data
11. Split data for MESH and distribute to analysis directory
description: bins data based on logFC and deposits analysis data into correct MESH directory for analysis
script: QuASAR_assignControls.R (deprecated?)
script1: QuASAR_MESH_split_logFC.sh 
dependencies: 10.)
in: master table
out: data is split and added to the MESH analysis directory
12. Run the MESH pipeline
description: run MESH on the processed master table data, calculate posteriors, calculate bayes factors, plot data, & prep for multinomial.
script: td/jointGenotyping/QuASAR_results_masterTable_4/data_MESH_all/run_MESH_batch.sh 
script1: run_analysis.py
script2: calc_posteriors.R
dependencies: 11.) 
in: the name of the data set to be anlaysed (should be in the same directory)
out: MESH output, posteriors, bayes factors, configuration estimates, & input data for a multinomial analysis
13. Combine all MESH data
description: Create a master table with MESH input (betas & SEs) & MESH output (bayes-factors & posteriors) 
script: td/jointGenotyping/QuASAR_results_masterTable_4/data_MESH_all/Master_table_betas_bfs.R
script1: master_MESH_outTable.sh || concatenate posterior CIs of configs and pi0
dependencies: 12.) 
in: null
out: Master_table_betas_bfs.txt
14. Plot condition specific ASE
description: Plot condition specific ASE form MESH and QuASAR data
script: td/jointGenotyping/QuASAR_results_masterTable_4/data_MESH_all/MESH_plots.R
dependencies: 13.) 
in: Master_table_betas_bfs.txt
out: an array of plots concerning condition specific ASE (biplots, dotplots, etc.)
15. Run multiclass logistic regression
description: using the posteriors from MESH as labels, and plate, treatment, fpkm, gene espression, ... etc. as variables,
             run a multinomial logistic regression and plot the results (forst plots)
script: td/jointGenotyping/QuASAR_results_masterTable_4/data_MESH_all/multinomial/run_multiclasslr_batch.sh
script1: multiclasslr_batch.R
dependencies: 12.) 
in: data= masterTable_multinomial.txt (from 12.)) & a tag to lable the run (may include parameters used for instance)
out: summary data from the model run and plots in the directory ./multinomialPlots