
Implementation of SGD with L^2 regularization & feature hashing

Primary LanguageJava

Java implementation of SGD with L2 regularization and feature hashing on a bag of words.

Stochastic Gradient Descent

This implementation is for predicting click through rates given an advertisement, it's atributes, and some user information. The union of words across all advertisements is treated as a bag of words (BOW). This results in a feature space with dimension on the order of the number of unique words across all ads, roughly ~150k. If the large feature space results in a model that is over-fit, it will diminish our ability to predict click-through with new data. Further, the feature vector for each observation will be large and sparse, so it would be a computational benefit to reduce it's dimension.

After implementing gradient descent to train a logisitc regression model, we will also implement L2 regularization with lazy updating, and a hashing trick to reduce the dimension of the BOW features.

Starter code is from Dr. Emily Fox's Machine Learning for Big Data course. With the exception of the original commit, all lines of code are my own.